
Bringing Water and Hope to the Sahel
For the people of the Sahel, daily life is not just a struggle. It’s a fight for survival. Water - or rather the lack of it - defines their very existence. Water to drink, water for livestock, water for crops, water for cooking...

Agriculture, food and jobs in West Africa
New paper in the SWAC/OECD West African Papers series: The food economy is the biggest employer in West Africa accounting for 66% of total employment. While the majority of food economy jobs are in agriculture, off-farm employment...

Témoignage d’un éleveur transhumant soutenu par DRC dans l’Ouham-Pende
Nom : Halagy Prénom : Oumar Habdullai Condition de vie avant le projet transhumance DRC : Eleveur transhumant Monsieur Halagy est un éleveur nomade de grands bétails de l’ethnie Peuhl. Avec sa famille de cinq filles et sa femme...

The 'story of the day' for 2015 the European Year of Development: protecting wildlife and supporting livelihoods in Chad.
medical check-up of an elephant in Zakouma National Park

A time for change? Comments on Chad’s draft Land Code
Published in July 2015 by Tearfund and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), this report (also available in French) argues that the process to develop a new Land Code in Chad is a positive step...

The Light House of Hill : To Flourish Properly, Needs People Participation and Asset Based Development
Very nice shiny morning. The hills show their natural beauty. Suddenly clouds have come and surrounded the whole area. After ten minutes, clouds have gone and everything gets clearly visible. It seems that the hilly area...

Conférence-débat "Centrafrique : Comment répondre aux besoins humanitaires et de développement" 17 juin, 15h-17h - Parlement européen
L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD) organise sous le parrainage de Gilles PARGNEAUXune conférence au Parlement européen l e 17 juin 2015 de 15h à 17h en salle A1G-2. Cette conférence sera l'occasion de débattre du rôle du...

Chad: support programme for agro-food industries in Central Africa - the Artine dairy unit
The Artine dairy unit in Chad, whose objective is to control the provision of milk for its own production, has benefitted from a CDE assistance in the framework of the programme for improvement of competitiveness for agro-food...

Joint Programming Workshop for Central, East and South Africa, Ethiopia, 13-14 March 2014
The Joint Programming Workshop for Central, East and South Africa, Addis Ababa, 13-14 March 2014, co-hosted with the Netherlands and Belgium, was a success, following the one held last January in Guatemala (covering Latin America)...

Expériences et lessons apprises en programmation conjointe dans 4 pays- Country experiences and lessons learned in Joint programming
A practical explanation of how to deal with synchronisation of different cycles around the national development cycle, in Burundi, Chad, Niger, Senegal. This presentation was prepared by one of the consultants working under an EC...