
EU Forest Action in NICARAGUA 🇳🇮
🔎 Find here the latest news about EU and Nicaragua Forest Action The EU supports partner countries to preserve their forests and to contribute to sustainable, inclusive economies and societies. Find here some examples of EU Forest...

"Voices from the Field" videos on Joint Programming
1. Joint Programming - Views from the field 2. Joint Programming - Views from the field // TEASER 3. Joint Programming - Views from the field // KENYA 4. Joint Programming - Views from the field // PALESTINE 5. Join Programming -...

Fishing communities netting their future and protecting natural habitats in Nicaragua
Recently published on the Europa website, the new story reviews the EcoPesca project in in Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. The project works to preserve the Gulf of Fonseca's marine biodiversity and improve living conditions...

Livestock and fish science leadership promotes the development of Nicaragua’s livestock sector
Published on 19 August 2016, this CGIAR blog post Livestock and fish science leadership promotes the development of Nicaragua’s livestock sector reviews the proceedings of the First International Congress on Challenges and...

The Light House of Hill : To Flourish Properly, Needs People Participation and Asset Based Development
Very nice shiny morning. The hills show their natural beauty. Suddenly clouds have come and surrounded the whole area. After ten minutes, clouds have gone and everything gets clearly visible. It seems that the hilly area...

Exploring gender perceptions of resource ownership and their implications for food security among rural livestock owners in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nicaragua
This article, published in February 2105 in the journal Agriculture & Food Security and written by a team of CGIAR authors, considers that productive resources are essential to the livelihoods and food security of the world’s...

Libro sobre accesibilidad / Book about accessibility
Hola, El proyecto ESVIAL ha publicado este libro electrónico sobre accesibilidad. TITULO: Guía para crear contenidos digitales accesibles: Documentos, presentaciones, vídeos, audios y páginas web. EDITORES: José R. Hilera, Elena...

Erasmus+ y las Universidades de América Latina
Presentación en la que se abordan las principales oportunidades que el Programa Erasmus+ ofrece para las universidades de América Latina. La presentación contiene una breve descripción de la estructura del programa, así como...

Una mirada iberoamericana de la internacionalización universitaria
Ebook “Una mirada iberoamericana de la internacionalización universitaria” que reúne una selección de 10 artículos publicados en el blog "El camino empedrado de la excelencia". El objetivo de este ebook ha sido reunir en un único...

Buenos aires desde Río
En este artículo comentamos los resultados de la primera sesión del III Encuentro Internacional de Rectores de Universia Río de Janeiro 2014, en el que la Secretaria General Iberoamericana ha presentado las ideas generales del...