The Foreign Affairs Ministers and high-level representatives of the States Parties of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) approved in February the Paramaribo Declaration, a key document reaffirming the commitment of Amazonian...
Durante la pandemia COVID-19, la necesidad de intercambiar experiencias en la respuesta a las violencias de género en el actual contexto de aislamiento social se ha hecho evidente. Las instituciones gubernamentales de América...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to share expertise on gender-based violence in the current context of social isolation has become apparent. Governmental institutions in Latin America and Europe reached out to the EUROsociAL...
Legal timber is great! | Center for International Forestry Research | Cameroon C’est quoi le bois légal ? Sylvestre Atango vous l’explique | Center for International Forestry Research | Cameroon Pourquoi faut-il acheter le bois...
The fourth #InformalTalks webinar "Informal Economy and Organization of informal workers - Organizing and mobilizing informal workers" was held on 30 October 2018. Here is the recording: Organizing informal workers is at the core...
A five-day workshop on the organisation of informal workers has been organised by the Research, Network & Support Facility (RNSF) in December 2017 in Peru. Organising is at the core of the actions and policies designed to...
Amazon Vision is an alternative to protect the Amazon forest by integrating its protected areas. 9 countries are collaborating to apply the Convention on Biological Diversity's Program of Work on Protected Areas on a regional...
Euroclima is the European Union’s flagship Programme with the Latin America and Caribbean region that contributes to an increasingly ambitious, transformative and equitable action on climate and environmental issues. Through bilateral dialogues and regional engagement, the Programme works together with the 33 partner governments of the region and relevant regional organisations to identify priorities that lead to actions that foster the conditions for a Green and Just Transition.
El mundo celebra el aniversario de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño adoptada el 20 de noviembre de 1959 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Aunque una de cada tres personas en todo el mundo es un menor, la...