The second episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!

The second episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!
Según el último informe de Acción Humanitaria para la Infancia de UNICEF, uno de cada tres niños y niñas en edad escolar en Sudán está actualmente sin escolarizar. Son casi 7 millones de niños, siendo las niñas las más afectadas...
Au Soudan, un garçon et une fille sur trois en âge d'aller à l'école ne sont pas scolarisés, selon le dernier rapport de l'UNICEF sur l'action humanitaire pour les enfants. C'est près de 7 millions d'enfants, les filles étant les...
One in three school-age boys and girls in Sudan are currently out of school according to UNICEF’s latest Humanitarian Action for Children brief. That’s almost 7 million children, with girls being the most affected. With the...
La educación digital puede ser un poderoso proveedor de igualdad, desarrollo personal y paz, especialmente en las regiones en conflicto. Entrevistamos a los equipos que hay detrás de dos programas de cooperación internacional con...
L'éducation numérique peut être un puissant vecteur d'égalité, de développement personnel et de paix, notamment dans les régions en conflit. Nous avons interviewé les équipes à l'origine de deux programmes de coopération...
Digital education can be a powerful purveyor of equality, personal development and peace, especially in conflict regions. We interviewed the teams behind two international cooperation programmes with impressive achievements in e...
Since 2013, over 2.2 million South Sudanese refugees have fled to neighboring countries, while 1.76 million remain internally displaced by an ongoing and brutal conflict. The levels of humanitarian aid cover just a fraction of the...
One of the many casualties of crises is education. Natural disasters, wars and protracted conflict are disrupting children’s access to schools and contributing to higher drop-out and lower completion rates. Schools can also be...
Education, alongside Health, forms an essential sector of EU assistance to South Sudan. With one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, the country bears the shocking statistic that a girl is three times more likely...