
WeMed Awards – applications open
Switch Med is thrilled to announce that you can now apply for the WeMed Award 2024. This current fourth edition, funded by the SwitchMed Programme, is addressed to entrepreneurs or companies in the Blue Economy sector that have...

WES Regional Training on Waste Water Treatment for Reuse - Workshop Material available now
As part of the EU funded Water and Environment Support in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood region (WES) project workplan, an online Regional Training on Waste Water Treatment for Reuse was organised on the 17th of May 2022. The aim...

No Country Alone : a video documentary on climate change in the Mediterranean region.
A video documentary on climate change in the Mediterranean region has recently been produced by the EU funded ClimaSouth project, http://www.climasouth.eu. The documentary entitled No Country Alone, is now available in 3 language...

Atelier-Workshop à/at Visa For Music

Employment Policies and Active Labour Market programmes in Tunisia, 2014
Employment Policies and Active Labour Market programmes in Tunisia, 2014 (EN, FR), European Training Foundation (by S.Zouari), Turin: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Employment_policies_Tunisia

MISMES Tunisia Report
Migrant Support Measures from an Employment and Skills Perspective (MISMES) - Tunisia ( EN, FR) (2015): http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/MISMES_Tunisia

عمّان تستضيف ورشة عمل إقليميةً نوعية حول تطوير السياسات الثقافية
تبادل الخبرات بين خمس دول عربية بمشاركة خبراء دوليين بهدف تنمية القطاع الثقافي في جنوب المتوسّط ف ي عمّان 9 حزيران/يونيو 2015 شارك ممثلو وزارات الثقافة في خمس دول عربية هي الأردن، فلسطين ولبنان وتونس والمغرب في ورشة عمل نوعية...

Amman hosts an innovative regional workshop on cultural policies
Peer experiences from five Arab countries and international expertise at the service of cultural development in south Mediterranean countries Amman, June 9, 2015 Representatives of the ministries of culture of five Arab countries...

Med Culture: Open call for capacity development experts in the field of culture
Deadline: 31st May, 2015 In the framework of the EU-funded Med Culture programme, a set of capacity development activities have been scheduled to take place in the next two years (2015-2017). These activities target both the...

بيان صحفي للنشر الفوري: الدار البيضاء على موعد مع الإبداع والثقافة من أجل التنمية من27 إلى 29 نيسان/ ابريل 2015
الدار البيضاء، 24 ابريل 2015 يقيم ثقافة ميد – وهو برنامج ممول من الاتحاد الأوروبي- بالشراكة مع جمعية " جذور" المؤتمر الإقليمي الأول حول "الإبداع والثقافة من أجل التنمية" بالدار البيضاء، المغرب، في الفترة من 27 نيسان/ ابريل وحتى 29...