La transición a una economía circular es clave para un futuro sostenible. Hablamos con JUST2CE, un proyecto financiado por la UE que se presentó durante las Jornadas Europeas de Desarrollo 2022, para obtener más información sobre...
La transition vers une économie circulaire est essentielle pour un avenir durable. Nous nous sommes entretenus avec JUST2CE, un projet financé par l'UE présenté lors de la Semaine Européenne du Développement Durable de 2022, pour...
European Union external assistance, which accounts for half of development aid, must demonstrate that development policy achieves results. A recent workshop in Brussels looked at how a results-based approach that considers desired...
Local economic development in EU external actions refers to the European Union's efforts to support sustainable economic growth and job creation in partner countries and regions outside the EU. This approach focuses on empowering local communities, businesses, and institutions to drive their own economic development.
The overall goal of the initiative is to empower disabled women, widows, orphans and other vulnerable within the population in rural Senegal using sustainable means. Our vision is to empower these groups by improving their food and nutrition situation, access to education and medication on a long term and strengthening their position within the community.
International telecommunications company Orange, recently tested the potential for Big Data to contribute to development when it released anonymous data from five million-plus cell phone users in Cote d’Ivoire and invited...
The EU Mobile Labs Project has provided one of the first labs against the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A mobile unit was deployed to Guinea in March 2014, at the outbreak's onset. It has provided diagnosis for a large fraction of the samples collected - 3000 during the first 6 months, identifying over 1000 positive cases. Up to 70 samples per day have been processed, with diagnosis available within 4 hours. Two additional mobile labs have been deployed to Nigeria and Liberia.