ECHO - the EU Humanitarian Aid And Civil Protection Office - published this factsheet on the current situation with Ebola in West Africa, and on the specific action of the European Union. The map below, which is extracted from the...
The EU Mobile Labs Project has provided one of the first labs against the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A mobile unit was deployed to Guinea in March 2014, at the outbreak's onset. It has provided diagnosis for a large fraction of the samples collected - 3000 during the first 6 months, identifying over 1000 positive cases. Up to 70 samples per day have been processed, with diagnosis available within 4 hours. Two additional mobile labs have been deployed to Nigeria and Liberia.
Latest activities
Two EU Mobile Labs redeployed to Sierra Leone against Ebola
Within the EU Comprehensive Response Framework to the West Africa Ebola outbreak, the European Commission has stepped up its efforts by reinforcing the budget for the deployment of mobile laboratories for the diagnosis of the...
Interview with a team member of Guinea's EU Mobile Lab
Zoltán Kis is a pharmacist by training, with a specialization in international public health. He completed his PhD at the Szeged University and has been working at National Center for Epidemiology, Hungary. He is currently a...

One of three laboratory units of the EU Mobile Labs Project has been handed over to the Institute of Lassa Fever Research and Control (ILFRC) at the Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH) in Nigeria in February 2014 and...

In March 2014, at an early stage of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the European Mobile Laboratory team arrived at the site of their mission in Guéckédou, Guinea, to perform molecular diagnostics for Ebola Virus. The European...

The EuropeAid Cooperation Office (DEVCO B5 - Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace) of the European Commission set up in 2011 the collaborative project Establishment of Mobile Laboratories up to Risk Group 4 in...

EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) report on West Africa Ebola Outbreak no 16 and related map on the situation as of 23 September 2014.