We are excited to announce the successful completion of “ Urban Innovation made in Africa – Sustainable Planning and Construction”, led by GIZ and financed by the BMZ Policy Coherence Fund II. Its aim was to foster sustainable...
Local economic development in EU external actions refers to the European Union's efforts to support sustainable economic growth and job creation in partner countries and regions outside the EU. This approach focuses on empowering local communities, businesses, and institutions to drive their own economic development.
The overall goal of the initiative is to empower disabled women, widows, orphans and other vulnerable within the population in rural Senegal using sustainable means. Our vision is to empower these groups by improving their food and nutrition situation, access to education and medication on a long term and strengthening their position within the community.
The EU Mobile Labs Project has provided one of the first labs against the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. A mobile unit was deployed to Guinea in March 2014, at the outbreak's onset. It has provided diagnosis for a large fraction of the samples collected - 3000 during the first 6 months, identifying over 1000 positive cases. Up to 70 samples per day have been processed, with diagnosis available within 4 hours. Two additional mobile labs have been deployed to Nigeria and Liberia.
DIGILOGIC: The first pan European and African Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) focusing on smart logistics DIGILOGIC is a project launched in January 2021, with funding support from the European Commission (EC) DIGILOGIC creates a
English 水土、森林、平原、山地和湿地的生态系统管理的基础是相互联系的,保障着更健康的食品和更好的环境。比如,生机勃勃的河湖和流域环境支持城市和农村生活,山区的森林、湖泊和溪流保障平原的农业生产,水资源、土壤和矿产资源以及更绿色的能源管理维护社会经济的发展…… 在气候和天气条件不断变化的情况下,城市和农业土壤健康管理、流域环境和资源管理共同面临着类似的挑战和解决方案问题。 农食绿金交流会(GGS-AF)是地域知识课堂平台于2023年开启的...
Dear Partners and Urbanistas, Cities are the key to sustainable development: more than half of the world's population already lives in cities and even more will do so in the future. The role of cities as the main habitat of future...
BMZ's Head of the Division for Energy, Urban Development, Mobility and Infrastructure, Dr Heike Litzinger, will introduce the strategic relevance of sustainable urban development in German development cooperation. Following the...
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Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Germany