The global project “Urban Innovation made in Africa – Sustainable Planning and Building”, funded by BMZ’s Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Fund II, focuses on integrated approaches to sustainable, climate-friendly, and pro-poor urban planning and building and is running between September 2022 and February 2025. As a model case for regions with high rates of urbanization, a participatory, project-oriented Urban Living Lab is implemented in Kigali, Rwanda, aiming at developing practical solutions for demand- and gender-responsive, climate-friendly, and affordable urban planning and construction. In parallel, a cross-sectoral policy dialogue with the German federal climate and urban/development ministries of BMZ, BMWK (Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and BMWSB (Housing, Urban Development and Building) is encouraged to discuss approaches, strategies and good practices for sustainable planning, building and financing that feed into multi-level discussions and enrich international agendas. In a third field of action, knowledge and experience on innovative approaches to sustainable planning, building and financing is exchanged in a global peer-learning with national and municipal practitioners, political decision-makers as well as multilateral organizations and (inter)national funding bodies.
Register for our upcoming event!
You can find the recorded sessions here:
Session 1: Fostering sustainable construction in informal areas
Session 2: Fostering Inclusive Nature-based solutions for Low-income Urban Communities
Session 3: Cities for all: Bottom-up action for just urban development