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kit from the The European Mobile Laboratory

EU Mobile Labs

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African Experts Manage European Mobile Laboratories - Lessons from the Field

In April, experts gathered in Brussels to discuss lessons learned from the use of the European Mobile Laboratories during the Ebola crisis. Six Nigerian experts have been operating a mobile laboratory in Sierra Leone since December, testing Ebola samples. Their work is the result of longer term EU training efforts to strengthen crisis preparedness in Africa.

You can watch the introduction by Marcus Cornaro, Deputy Director-General Geographic Coordination at DEVCO in the video below. As well as an interview with Dr Danny A. Asogun, the Team leader of the EMLab unit in Nigeria - Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH).

Introduction Marcus Cornaro

Interview with Dr. Asogun. Questions asked by Adriaan Van der Meer, Head of Unit Instrument Contributing to Stability, Nuclear Safety, DEVCO.