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DG INTPA would like to share the material presented at the logframe training for the Practitioners Network in January 2022. In case of any questions, you can contact us at

  • Presentation on the results chain Results chain presentation
  • Presentation on assumptions Assumptions presentation
  • Presentation on indicators Indicators presentation
  • Presentation on monitoring in OPSYS Monitoring in OPSYS
  • Presentation by the El PAcCTO project on their logframe revision process El PAcCTO
  • Next Generation research presented by the British Council Next Generation
  • Recording of presentations given on day 1 (focusing on the results chain and assumptions)
  • Recording of presentations given on day 2 (focusing on indicators)
  • Original logframe used as case study Original logframe case study
  • Revised logframe used as case study Revised logframe case study
  • Working Group exercise on the results chain (TC) Working group exercise

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