The European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) has released a comprehensive Evaluation Handbook aimed at guiding the preparation, launch, and management of evaluations. This handbook is...
Latest activities
The final evaluation of the West Africa Competitiveness Programme in Sierra Leone (WACOMP-SL) offers critical insights into the design, monitoring, and evaluation aspects of development projects. Funded by the European Union and...
Evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021)
This report is the final deliverable of the Evaluation of the European Union’s (EU) cooperation with Nepal (2014-2021). An evaluation requested by the EU Delegation to Nepal takes stock of the EU actions in the country between...
The Role of VOPEs in Enhancing the Professionalism of Monitoring and Evaluation in Yemen:
In the challenging context of Yemen, where ongoing conflict and humanitarian crises persist, effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices play a crucial role in ensuring accountability, improving program effectiveness, and...
DG INTPA logframe training for the Practitioners Network
DG INTPA would like to share the material presented at the logframe training for the Practitioners Network in January 2022. In case of any questions, you can contact us at Presentation on the results...
This is a ppt presentation shown at the logframe training provided by DG INTPA for the Practitioners Network, in the Effective Partnership and Implementation Working Group (January 2022).
This is a ppt presentation shown at the logframe training provided by DG INTPA for the Practitioners Network, in the Effective Partnership and Implementation Working Group (January 2022).
This is a ppt presentation shown by the British Council on the Next Generation research initiative. It was delivered at the logframe training provided by DG INTPA for the Practitioners Network, in the Effective Partnership and...
This is a ppt presentation shown by the project El PAcCTO on their logframe revision process. It was delivered at the logframe training provided by DG INTPA for the Practitioners Network, in the Effective Partnership and...