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Discussion details

Created 25 July 2017


The book Extending coverage: Social protection and the informal economy drafted during the RNSF Regional Workshop held last February in Kenya, involved a mixed group of researchers, regional experts, members of civil society organizations, and public officers.

Winnie Mwasiaji, senior assistant director in the State Department of Social Protection in Kenya, actively participated to the workshop. Previously national coordinator of the Social Protection Secretariat for over 8 years, she is currently the vice-chair of a community of practice for conditional and unconditional cash transfer for anglophone Africa.

National Social Protection Secretariat LogoDuring the workshop, she presented Kenya’s Single Registry for Social Protection, a web-based, automated management information system aiming to consolidate the country’s fragmented social security schemes and help them scale up. Inspired from a similar experience in Brazil and initiated in 2011, it stores information from various social assistance programmes and shows at a glance the beneficiaries of the social security programmes, the assistance they qualify for, and how they can get it. More information can be found in the book (p. 63).

Here is Winnie sharing her impressions on her workshop experience:



Winnie Mwasiaji

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