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HelpAge International organized 3rd Training of Trainers on Package of Essential Non-communicable Disease (PEN) Interventions under the European Union supported strengthening public health capacity to respond to Myanmar’s disease transition project at Zabu Thiri Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw from 25th to 27th October, 2017. This training was organized in collaboration with NCD Unit, Department of Public Health, University of Public Health and University of Medicine 2.

Objective of this training was to prevent and control of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and to strengthen the capacity of health staff on management of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with special focus on integration of NCD services into primary healthcare.

Dr. Myint Shwe (Director, NCD Unit, Department of Public Health, Nay Pyi Taw) delivered opening speech. In this training, 5 trainers from 5 advocated regions facilitated sessions related to management of Diabetes, Hypertension, forms, recording and reporting system. Training on management of Asthma and COPD was given by Dr. Yandanar Kyaw (Prof/head of Chest Medical Department, Thin Gan Gyun San Pya General Hospital). Dr. Khin Cho Win (Prof/head of Radiotherapy Department, Yangon General Hospital) gave training on assessment and referral of suspected breast, oral and cervical cancer.

Resource persons from NCD Unit, Department of Public Health, University of Public Health and University of Medicine 2 participated in the whole training. Total sixty two participants (Township medical officers, township public health officers, medical officers and senior basic health staff) from 20 townships actively participated in the 3-day training.

Written by: Dr. Kyaw Myint Myat Thein 

Training of Non-communicable Disease Interventions