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From 8 October to 12 October the Health Systems Research Symposium was organised in Liverpool, UK, with over 2,000 delegates. The Support to Public Health Programme was present there, with 31 people from seven projects as well as from the support team and EC DEVCO office. The booth at the exhibition market was a lively place for encounter and exchange. 

SPHIP had a booth during the HSR symposium, where all projects of the programme shared information. The projects exposed leaflet, folders, brochures, policy briefs, and also research papers, articles and policy documents. In total more than 40 different publications were exposed. 

All projects had produced posters explaining in short the main objectives and results, turning the booth into a colourful and highly visible stand. 

The exposition showed the richness and variety of activities in the programme, in organisational development, research, education and policy development. The delegates from all projects took turns in providing information to visitors of the exhibition area, showed to be excellent ambassadors of their own projects and others in the programme. They made contact with many symposium visitors interested in strengthening capacities of public health institutes or in specific topics, like NCD policies, or adolescent health. Over 50 people left their e-mail addresses or business cards, as they were interested in receiving the newsletter, or wanted to receive specific information from projects.

In the exhibition area there were also two posters submitted by SPHIP projects, one from the SPEED project in Uganda and one from the SHARE project in Bangladesh.