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Global Gateway Series: inteligencia artificial (IA) y el futuro de la asistencia sanitaria

Voices & Views

La Cuarta Revolución Industrial ya no es el pronóstico abstracto de un futuro lejano, sino una realidad que hemos empezado a experimentar en nuestra vida cotidiana. Desde nuestros relojes inteligentes hasta la telemedicina y las...

Health in the humanitarian-development nexus
Health information systems & digital health
Health Research and Development

Global Gateway Series : L'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'avenir des soins de santé

Voices & Views

La quatrième révolution industrielle n'est plus une prévision abstraite pour un avenir lointain, mais une réalité que nous avons commencé à vivre dans notre vie quotidienne. De nos montres connectées á la télémédecine en passant...

Health in the humanitarian-development nexus
Health information systems & digital health
Health Research and Development

Global Gateway Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the future of healthcare

Voices & Views

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is no longer the abstract forecast of a faraway future, but a reality we have begun to experience in our everyday lives. From our smartwatches to telemedicine and more complex technological...

Health in the humanitarian-development nexus
Health information systems & digital health
Health Research and Development