This group is for people working or interested in Governance issues in cooperation and development
Latest activities

Storytelling technique, which allows transmitting messages appealing to the emotions of readers, is particularly successful applied to the field of development cooperation. Author: Juncal Baeza Storytelling is a term which makes...

SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE: Is it possible to guide the market forces?
Some say that what is happening is that we don’t know what happens. This thought of José Ortega y Gasset quoted in a moment of Spanish history’s great uncertainty could be mentioned as well these days. We try to emerge from the...

The alignment of the interventions of the Programme Projóvenes I and II with El Salvador's Youth National Policy has enabled the momentum of important improvement processes. The National Direction of Youth, from the Secretary of...

Fighting Corruption - The Legislative Footprint Project
Transparency International (TI) is based in Berlin with 107 local chapters worldwide. They collaborate with individuals, organisations and governments to eliminate corruption. Daniel Freund, Policy Officer EU Integrity at TI spoke...

Public Procurement Reforms in Africa book launch - Brussels, 9 December 2014
On Tuesday 09th December, the European Commission DG DevCo InfoPoint hosted the launch of the book, ‘Public Procurement Reforms in Africa’. Mr. Jose Correia Nunes, Head of Unit DG DevCo 03, Budget Support and Public Finance...

CTA Brussels Briefing 38: Fighting against IUU: Successes from ACP countries
The next CTA Brussels Development Briefing on “ Fighting against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU): Successes from ACP countries” will take place Monday, 27 October 2014 (8h30-13h00) at the ACP Secretariat in...
Devco Training on Justice, Democracy and the Rule of Law, Brussels, 30 June – 4 July 2014
Objective of the course is to update participants on how to approach programming in the governance area, in particular as regards support to justice, democracy and the rule of law in development cooperation in light of the most...
The 2013 CAPE Conference: Budgeting in the Real World, 13 & 14 Nov 2013
Sign-up to the 2013 CAPE Conference [1], which will look at how budgets actually work in the real world and explore the latest thinking on how they can deliver better development outcomes. Bringing together a distinguished array of global leaders and thinkers, the conference aims to shed light on two overarching questions: * How does budgeting and public financial management really work in practice? * What – if anything – can reformers do to strengthen budgets to improve development outcomes? [1]

EDD2013 session - Young voices for inclusive governance - Implications for the Post-2015 Framework
The following session, on the agenda of the upcoming EDD2013, will cover issues of interest for this group. For questions, the focal points are at your availability. Further practical information can be found on the EDD2013...