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#Capacity4devIsYou campaign - Season II

Capacity4devIsYou Season II

Capacity4dev is its community.

This is why the #Capacity4devIsYou campaign returns with season II. This time we partner with our Capacity4dev Ambassadors, who share with us how users can benefit from being a member of the platform. 

You are all invited to join our new campaign by watching our testimonial videos and sharing our content with your peers.

Video 1 - Petros Kremonas, Plan International

Petros Kremonas speaks about how you can increase your knowledge with the editorial content of our platform.


Video 2 - Bianca Baumler, DEAR programme

Did you know that you can build your own community or create a page dedicated to a project or programme on Capacity4dev? Bianca Baumler is an experienced manager of the EU DEAR Programme Group and Project page. 


Video 3 - Franco Conzato, European Commission

What is Capacity4dev? How can the platform support you in improving the quality of the projects you are involved in? Watch Franco Conzato, Senior Expert at the European Commission (DG INTPA, Office of the Director for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination), and find out. 


Video 4 - Nathalie Larsen, European Commission

Did you know that on Capacity4dev, you can easily access a wide range of resources that can help you improve the quality of the interventions you are involved in? Watch Nathalie Larsen from the European Commission (DG INTPA), who is a Capacity4dev Ambassador, experienced with Capacity4dev resources.