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About the OPSYS Forum in Capacity4Dev


OPSYS is an Information System used by EU External Actions DGs (DG INTPA, DG NEAR and FPI), also known as RELEX.

It is being developed with Agile methodology to bring in large-scale business transformation and digitalisation of processes for the RELEX family impacting the entire programme-project cycle.

The objective is to bring in “more efficient, transparent and results-oriented planning, management, and follow-up of EU external actions”.


Implementing Partners access OPSYS via the Funding and Tenders Portal

Link to access the Funding and Tenders Portal. Please use Chrome or Firefox. 

EC Staff access OPSYS via MyWorkPlace and other Corporate IT tools such as Public Procurement Management Tool (PPMT) etc. 



What can be done in OPSYS today? 

What you can do in OPSYS today

Partners concerned

PIC required 

PIC not required

Register your organization and obtain a Participant Identification Code (PIC)

or Search for your PIC in the Funding and Tenders Portal

All organisations


Create an EU Login account (username + password) All individuals  - X

Specific Contract Execution: Signing the contracts, pre-financing, submitting deliverables, reports etc. for 5 Specific Contracts under Framework Contracts (SIEA 2018, AUDIT 2018, PSF 2019, EVA 2020, EVENTS 2020). In the future, all contracts will be managed in OPSYS

Framework Contractors



Result Management

Non State Actors 

International Organisations 

Member State Agencies 

Development Banks 

Some Framework Contractors e.g. PSF 2019

Possibly Contractors of Services Contracts



Search for Calls for Tenders in the Funding and Tenders Portal

Economic Operators

Tenderers, Experts, Contractors


Submission of tenders: for international open, restricted and negotiated procedures in direct management for External Actions  (DG INTPA, DG NEAR and FPI) 


Economic Operators

Tenderers, Experts, Contractors

X -


Objective of this OPSYS forum in Capacity4Dev

The objective of this forum is to share news regarding OPSYS and highlight resources such as webinar recordings, new courses, new videos etc. 

You can like, comment and share posts. If you have OPSYS relevant information for external partners, you can share it on the group. You can also ask questions.


Access online documentation about OPSYS 

You can access online documentation for:

External users:

Please bookmark these resources


Consult the step-by-step instructions on the topics below in the online documentation:

Contracts and Procurement 

Watch the awareness webinar on this topic


Results Reporting in OPSYS 


Watch the awareness webinar and consult the online resource package on this topic


eSubmission of tenders (international open, negotiated and restricted procedures in direct management)

Watch the awareness webinar on PIC registration and validation which includes a presentation on eSubmission. 

Also watch the awareness webinar on OPSYS for a demo of the features available in the system


PIC Registration and validation 

Watch the awareness webinar on this topic


The documentation is available in English. Coming soon in French.


Internal users: My Workplace in the RELEX Wiki

It is available in English and French.


Access the awareness webinar replays

You can access PowerPoint and video recording of past webinars in EU International Partnerships Academy (INTPA Academy) in Resources > Webinars > Financial and Contractual Procedures

The webinars are available in English, French and Spanish.


Access news about OPSYS 

  • Become a member of this forum (OPSYS) in Capacity4Dev to receive email notifications about OPSYS related news (please enable this functionality when you are creating your account)
  • Bookmark the page "Latest News" in the EXACT Wiki and
  • Bookmark the RELEX Page in the Funding and Tenders Portal