NEW PUBLICATION The EU and Africa are each trying to find their place in an unstable world. Ahead of this year's AU-EU summit, the authors of this paper argue that the needs and expectations on both sides call for a new and more...
NEW PUBLICATION The EU and Africa are each trying to find their place in an unstable world. Ahead of this year's AU-EU summit, the authors of this paper argue that the needs and expectations on both sides call for a new and more...
In 2019, will Africa be able to achieve greater unity, institutional reform and political clout? Will the future ACP-EU partnership push or hinder the aspiration of a partnership of equals between Europe and Africa? And how will...
This paper provides a first set of reflections on how to strategically finance an effective role for the European Union in the world beyond 2020, when the current multiannual financial framework will be replaced by a new one...
ODI publication - politics and governance Politically smart, locally led development seeks to identify the secret sauce behind 7 large and successful aid programmes: a rural livelihoods programme in India; land titling and tax...
Interestingly the report calls for approaches that are more political-economy sensitive and for the EU to work more together with MS (joint programming/coordinated approaches, etc.)
Based on over of two years of CRU research, this paper brings together the findings of five studies of states that show clear signs of illegitimacy or of a weak capacity to govern. Studies of Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic...
Development practice is increasingly being pushed to achieve results as well as to explain clearly 'what works or what does not work and under what circumstances' on the path to achieving such results.There is particular concern...
That “politics matters” in development is canonical. The challenge for development agencies and practitioners is how to incorporate this murky, complex, non-technical reality. Based on case studies of seven major Philippine...