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10. MICHAEL BAMBERGER - Big data in evaluation


MICHAEL BAMBERGER (Independent Evaluator) discusses the potential and limitations of the use of big data in evaluation and how, in times of the global pandemic, when field-based data collection is virtually impossible, it can provide a good addition to remote data collection. His challenge to the evaluation field: if evaluators want to remain relevant in the years to come, they simply cannot ignore big data.

Michael Bamberger has over 40 years of experience in development evaluation in Latin America, Africa and Asia. This included 15 years in community development in Latin America and 20 years with the World Bank.  He has also consulted on evaluation with 10 UN agencies, multilateral and regional development banks, bilateral aid agencies, foundations and NGOs. Over the past few years, he has been working on ways to use big data to strengthen development evaluation and humanitarian programs. Recent publications include: "Dealing with complexity in development evaluation", "Real World Evaluation: Working under budget, time, data and political constraints".  "Evaluation in the age of big data".


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · Michael Bamberger - Big data in evaluation