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Evaluation, Support, Service

INTPA/ESS Initiatives

Last Updated: 04 May 2023
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EvalCrisis Home







EvalCrisis Lessons Learnt - Paper and video EvalCrisis Final Conference - Recordings

Welcome to these pages on the Evaluation in Crisis initiative!

Evaluations happen anytime and anywhere, but circumstances can be far from ideal. After our efforts to collect best practices and lessons on Evaluation in Hard-to-Reach Areas, we have widened our scope to Evaluation in Crisis in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Read on to find resources to support your work. These pages comprise documents, webinars, podcasts, and a dedicated blog on topics such as:

  • How do we need to adapt our processes to move quickly?
  • What data collection techniques are best suited in a crisis situation?
  • Do we need to review our evaluation ethics?
  • How do we check facts when using remote techniques?
  • Can we still contribute to sustainability and if so: how?




  1. Go/no-go decision-making
  2. Tools & Methods of evaluation in crisis
  3. Ethical Aspects of evaluation in crisis
  4. Adapting evaluation processes
  5. Various topics
  6. Webinars & video
  7. EvalCrisis Lessons Learnt interactive paper and video


The buttons below lead you to our podcasts and blog.















Why Evaluation in Crisis?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most of the world into isolation and this will likely remain so for some time. These unprecedented circumstances raise numerous questions for our work within the field of International Development and Cooperation. All of a sudden, the majority of the contexts have become ‘hard to reach’ and we meet challenges in accessing project beneficiaries and stakeholders.

This calls for donors and practitioners to reflect on what can and cannot be realistically done during this global emergency – and how. As the crisis unfolds, timely and adequate evaluation is bound to become even more important. However, methods of work and tools have to be adapted to the situation.

This initiative will help us learn lessons that are relevant not just now, but also for other crisis situations to come.


Get in touch!

Do you have questions? Or do you have experiences to share and resources to contribute? Please email us at

DEVCO staff: ESS provides dedicated helpdesk support to discuss your plans and see how best your planned evaluations can be adapted to the present crisis; contact us at to arrange a call.