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EvalCrisis – lessons learnt

What did we learn from Evaluation in Crisis? What are the key reflections that the wider evaluation community developed when adapting processes and methods to the new conditions created by the outbreak of the first global pandemic ever of the modern era?

The ESS carried out an in-depth analysis of all materials that we have produced or published during EvalCrisis and is proud to present you what we brought home from these very intense months. These are our own lessons learnt, and we are sure that other fellow colleagues may have brought home further and different lessons.

The lessons are organised by 6 themes: (i) Fluidity of context, (ii) Ethics, (iii) Adaptive evaluations, (iv) Local evaluation skills, (v) Methods and tools and (vi) Remote techniques, and by different topics within each theme.

In the words of Mr Félix Fernández-Shaw, Director for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination at the EC, DG International Partnerships: "We want these lessons learnt to be food for thought in further enhancing our capacity to improve evaluations and to inform better policies, even beyond the Covid-19 crisis".


Presentation video

In this short video we present a basic summary of the lessons learnt; we hope that by watching it you will be curious to read the full paper. The video is in English and subtitles are available in EN, FR, ES and PT.


EvalCrisis Lessons Learnt - Interactive paper

This interactive paper presents our full analysis of the lessons learnt from the initiative. It allows easy navigation between the sections by clicking on different buttons.


Non-interactive paper (printer-friendly)

This is the non-interactive version of the lessons learnt paper, which you can print if you wish to do so.


Many evaluation experts and enthusiasts have contributed to the EvalCrisis initiative; a particularly warm thanks goes to the speakers of our podcasts and the authors of our blog posts. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to engage in such fruitful discussion with them on themes of common interest. The papers contain the list of all contributors.