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22. FÉLIX FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW - We cannot stop evaluation now


In this final edition of the EvalCrisis podcast series by the EC’s Evaluation Support Service, we take stock of what we learned, together with the Director for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination Félix Fernández-Shaw of the EC Directorate for International Partnerships. The COVID-19 crisis has had major implications for our evaluation practice. What are key lessons and what do we take with us into the future? One thing is clear: we cannot stop evaluation now, just because it is difficult.

FÉLIX FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW has been the Director for Sustainable Development Policy and Coordination at the European Commission (DG INTPA, previous DEVCO) since April 2018. He has been working on Sustainable Development policy and the budget of the external action of the EU since 2009, as an Expert in the Cabinet of Federica Mogherini (where he was also responsible for the relations between the EU and Africa), since November 2014, as Head of the Development Cooperation Coordination Division in the European External Action Service and prior to that as a Spanish diplomat in the Spanish Permanent Representation to the EU including chairing CODEV WG in the Council. Additionally, Félix Fernández-Shaw worked on Justice and Home Affairs matters for both the EU and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · Felix Fernandez - We cannot stop evaluation now