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INTPA/ESS Initiatives

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1. Go/no go decision making

Evaluating in a Pandemic: Why and How and When? -Australian Evaluation Society - Jade Maloney

Over the last couple of months, evaluators around the world have been grappling with the question of whether and how we evaluate in the COVID-19 context. What can and should be done now, and what should wait? How can we be most useful? For an online session with AES members, which Keren Winterford, Greg Masters and Jade Maloney hosted, the latter rounded up a range of reflections on these questions to prompt discussion.

Deciding Well in Tumultuous Times - Ian David Moss

Ian David Moss, in a well-founded essay, offers practical advice for donors and institutions responding to COVID-19.

Guidance note for conducting evaluations under the pandemic (COVID-19) - FAO

The FAO Office of Evaluation (OED) has developed a Guidance Note in view of the exceptional international situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions set in place by many countries. The Guidance Note aims to ensure the continuation of good quality evaluative work while respecting and sustaining international efforts to limit the spread of the virus and respond to the pandemic.

Adapting evaluation designs in times of COVID-19 (coronavirus): four questions to guide decisions

The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank developed a framework organized around four questions to address the ethical, conceptual, and methodological challenges that are affecting programmatic evaluation work during the COVID-19 pandemic. It comprises poignant questions, such as: Is your target audience likely to listen and act on the findings? Will you be able to work around biases inherent in remote interviewing? The decision-tree visualised in an infographic helps you guide decision making.

Implications of COVID-19 on evaluations in the ILO, Practical tips on adapting to the situation.

Guidelines issued by the ILO on evaluations during COVID-19: decision-making on when to go, when not to go and how to adapt processes and tools to the situation.

Evaluation During a Crisis: Covid19 - UNDP

UNDP shares an infographic with suggested responses in evaluation to the crisis. How to rethink plans and prioritize? How to make evaluations more useful?

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