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6. Technologies for monitoring in insecure environments / Project Drawings, an innovative remote evaluation technique

News: We are proud to announce that this sixth ESS Conference will be part of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2019, an M&E knowledge-sharing initiative convened by the CLEAR Initiative (Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results) in association with local and global partners. Go to the CLEAR Initiative to see the 2019 Calendar of Events.



Thursday 6th June, 12:30 to 14:00 




Ms Julia Steets, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Director

Ms Julia Steets, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), DirectorJulia Steets is director of the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin. Her research and consulting work focus on international development, humanitarian assistance, public-private partnerships, as well as monitoring and evaluation. She currently represents GPPi in the INSPIRE Consortium, which supports Policy Development for DG ECHO. Julia also serves as a member of the board of the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) and as a member of the editorial board of Routledge’s newly established humanitarian studies series.

Ms Daniela Ulicna, Kantar Public, Evaluation Director

Ms Daniela Ulicna, Kantar Public, Evaluation DirectorMs Ulicna is active in the field of policy and programme evaluation since 2006, primarily delivering services to the EU institutions. Her main areas of expertise are social policies and programmes both within and outside the EU. She has a keen interest in innovative data collection techniques striving for stronger robustness, deeper insights into “why” a policy or programme works (or lags behind) and making sure the findings reflect the situations of a variety of beneficiaries. The evaluation designs and methods she chooses are selected pragmatically bearing in mind the intended use and users of the evaluation.



Ms Steets is co-author of the Toolkit ‘Technologies for monitoring in insecure environments’, which was produced in 2016 by the research project SAVE (Secure Access in Volatile Environments), based on field work in Afghanistan, South Central Somalia, South Sudan and Syria. The toolkit -which Ms Steets will present- provides an overview of different technological tools for monitoring in insecure settings based on lessons from existing experience and pilot projects, as well as of their key advantages and downsides.

Ms Ulicna participated in the recent Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Actions in the Field of Protection and Education of Children in Emergency and Crisis Situations (2008-2015), where she led the analysis of children’s perception of school and education activities financed by the EU by using an innovative Project Drawings technique. This approach was innovative in two ways: on one hand the use of drawings as source of evidence enabled to gather unique insights into children’s connections to funded schools and, on the other hand, the administration of the technique was done by the kids’ teachers and NGOs in the programme locations, under the remote methodological guidance of the evaluation team. This was done as the access to project locations was impossible to evaluators. 


Introduction: Mr Andrea Alfieri - DEVCO, Head of Sector ‘Results, Monitoring and Evaluation’, Unit ‘Evaluation and Results’


You can watch the video recording of the conference here: