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07. DUSTIN GILBREATH - Not worth anyone's life


In this episode, DUSTIN GILBREATH, who is the Deputy Research Director at the Caucasus Research Resource Centers in Georgia, argues that conducting fieldwork under Covid-19 is not a good idea for as long as there is still a risk of endangering people's lives. Instead, he explains how his research centre has adapted to remote (experimental) techniques, and what unexpected advantages these sometimes carry.

Dustin is a researcher with a strong background in evaluation. One of his key interests is in research design, using fully and quasi-experimental methods.

Having been based in Georgia for many years, he has substantial knowledge of the South Caucasus, and worked with a wide variety of development partners in Georgia and further afield.


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · Dustin Gilbreath - Not worth anyone's life