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06. FRANCOIS DUPAQUIER - Evaluation in war zones


In this episode, FRANCOIS DUPAQUIER discusses the importance of fieldwork in evaluation, and what to do when fieldwork is difficult in situations of conflict or fragility, difficult access or the Covid-19 pandemic.

François Dupaquier is a specialist in evaluation, research and analysis in the humanitarian and the development fields. He has extensive experience overseeing large-scale assessment and research projects in more than 20 countries and you have worked closely with dozens of NGOs and multilateral and bilateral agencies on the evaluation of humanitarian issues, stabilization, peacebuilding, and the fragile link between humanitarian aid and development.

He is an extremely versatile and productive professional; graduated in International Law and lecturer at the University of Aix-en-Provence, he is the founder and manager of the company FrontView, where, in addition to consultancy work, he also produces documentaries. With such extensive experience working in war zones and critical contexts, adaptation to crisis situations has become second nature.


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · François Dupaquier - Evaluation in war zones