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18. EVALYOUTH - Normalising youth involvement


It is about time that youth are considered relevant stakeholders in every stage of the evaluation process. This means implying them in meaningful ways in data collection and analysis, both as agents of development and as evaluators. It also means giving them a seat at the table when national policies are discussed. But, as EvalYouth leaders ALENA LAPPO and ANA ERIKA LAREZA passionately declare: those seats not yet being provided is no reason to sit around and wait. Young and Emerging Evaluators are invited to take initiatives and the current pandemic offers unexpected opportunities to do so.

ALENA LAPPO is an independent evaluation consultant with seven years of analysis and research experience in the public and private sectors. Currently working with the World Bank Independent Evaluation Group, previous experiences include work with the Independent Office of Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Alena Lappo is the leader of the European Emerging Evaluators (yEES!) network and member of the EvalYouth Task Force II – Mentoring.

ANA ERIKA LAREZA is a researcher, environmentalist and a YEE from the Philippines, with 4 years of experience in M&E Consultancy. She is the YEE focal person for Philippine Evaluators for Development (PHILDEV) and the Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA). Additionally, she is responsible for the Secretariat of the EvalYouth Global Network's E-Learning Task Force and a co-founder and co-leader of EvalYouth Asia.


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · Evalyouth - Normalising youth involvement