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Webinars & Video on Evaluation in Crisis

What will you find here?

In this section, you find links to relevant webinars and videos on methods, tools, ethical issues and processes; they are developed by different authors and published by different organisations. Would you like to stay informed of our webinars? Please register your email address here; an opt-out system will be included in our messages.



Boosting Collaboration in Evaluation in Times of Crisis

Another edition in the series Evaluation Headlines by the Asian Development Bank. In this edition, Veronique Salze-Lozac’h, IED’s Deputy Director General, and Megan Kennedy-Chouane, Head of Evaluation Unit, Development Co-operation Directorate at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), talk about how evaluators can collaborate better to address the COVID-19 crisis. Interview by IED's Saleha Waseem.

Webinaire Groupe URD - Etude de CartONG sur les données programmes au sein des OSC francophones

Ce webinaire du Groupe URD, organisé le 16 novembre 2020, porte sur l'étude "Les données programmes : le nouvel eldorado de la solidarité internationale ?" qui a été publiée par CartONG en septembre 2020. L'étude ainsi que le webinaire bénéficient du soutien de l'AFD. Pour plus d'informations sur cette étude, RDV sur le site de CartONG :

What is the level of maturity of francophone NGOs in terms of Information Management?

This lightning talk will give an overview of the key findings of the CartONG study on “Program data: the silver bullet of the humanitarian & development sectors” that came out in September. Run in an interview style, it will give a quick overview of the current situation of these NGOs, of the key stakes they are facing and also of the types of resources they feel the need for to be better equipped on the topic.

Empathy & Emotions: Navigating Digital Well-Being & Grief During COVID-19

Webinar by Global Collective Service and WHO Infodemic Management on digital well-being.

Good Participatory Practices during COVID-19

Webinar by Global Collective Service and WHO Infodemic Management on participatory practices.

Social Participation: Synergies in Systems Strengthening and Emergency Response.

Webinar by Global Collective Service and WHO Infodemic Management on social participation.

Best Practices & Lessons Learned from an Interagency Perception Survey in Asia-Pacific

Webinar by Global Collective Service and WHO Infodemic Management on lessons learned by UN agencies in Asia-Pacific during COVID-19.

What must not go unspoken: Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19 - the Risk Communication and Community Engagement response.

Webinar by Global Collective Service and WHO Infodemic Management on responses to gender-based violence during COVID-19.

Midlands Evaluation Showcase Panel Discussions

Held early November, the UK Midlands Evaluation Showcase Panel Discussions extensively addressed evaluation under COVID-19 - both looking back at experiences so far and looking forward.

Six months in: COVID-19 impacts on conflict - Implications for the sustainable development goals

Online panel discussion hosted by the APPG on the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development, in collaboration with Mercy Corps, ground-truthing COVID-19 impacts on conflict so far. A follow-up conversation is planned in a few months' time.

When Conflict and COVID Collide: Towards a Risk Analysis Framework

Part of the World Bank - IEG Fragility Forum, this webinar featured a dynamic mix of global conflict experts, development specialists and country practitioners who outlined what it takes to develop a real-time risk analysis framework to monitor the effects of COVID-19 on conflict.

Discover how JPAL and IPA use SurveyCTO Plug-Ins for Phone Surveys and More

SurveyCTO has led the digital data collection space in developing data collection capabilities that both reflect and anticipate your needs. As data collection becomes more restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re expanding platform functionalities and developing robust resources to help projects adapt, particularly to telephone surveying, also known as computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI).

Mathematica: Le Suivi-Evaluation durant la pandémie de COVID-19: outils, idées et réflexions

The NGO FHI 360 and research organisation Mathematica jointly organised a webinar on monitoring and evaluation during COVID-19. The French recording addresses main issues, such as the review of activities and targets and go/no go decision making.

L’ONG FHI 360 et la firme de recherche Mathematica ont organisé un webinaire en français sur le suivi-évaluation durant

la pandémie de COVID-19. Ce webinaire a permis d’aborder les principes directeurs et questions clés à considérer lors de la révision des activités et des cibles de suivi-évaluation. Un arbre d’aide à la décision a été présenté, pour appuyer les participants dans la sélection de modes de collecte de données appropriés. Les meilleures pratiques en matière d’enquêtes à distance ont également été évoquées.

Implications of Global Health Emergency for Evaluation - Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) and Blue Marble Evaluation

A Webinar with Michael Quinn Patton held on April 21 for the global evaluation community.

When the ‘Field’ is Online – Qualitative Data Collection - NVIVO

This webinar was hosted by Nvivo, as part of their efforts to help researchers deal with disruption in this challenging pandemic.

Evidence in the time of COVID-19 - 3IE

This webinar by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation addresses the challenges involved in evidence gathering during the COVID-19 crisis, that relate to the quality of data, risks for the people involved and the difficulties of fact-checking.



Evaluation Guru: Country Program Evaluations

Evaluation Guru is an evaluation capacity development video series launched by Asian Development Bank's (ADB) Independent Evaluation Department (IED). As part of IED’s Evaluation Academy initiative, the series will take the multimedia approach to respond to the growing demand for evaluation capacity development in ADB’s member countries. The series illustrate how to design, implement and manage evaluations which in turn will guide programs and projects towards development effectiveness, foster accountability, and learning. In this second episode, Joanne Asquith, Director of IED's Thematic and Country Division, talks about Country Program Evaluations.

Evaluation HEAD-lines, Episode 5: COVID-19 Crisis: EIB Group's Support to EU Response

In this edition of Evaluation HEAD-lines, Jan Willem van der Kaaij, Inspector General and Sabine Bernabè, Head of Operations Evaluation Unit of the European Investment Bank (EIB) talk about how the EU and EIB are responding to the coronavirus crisis, how EIB’s evaluation division is supporting the Bank during this time, the crucial role of evaluations in this context and how the crisis is opening up new horizons for evaluation functions. Interview by IED's Saleha Waseem.

#EvalCorona 5

In this video, Arlette Pichardo- Evaluation advisor- from Costa Rica shares her brilliant reflection "Thinking about the job of evaluation in times of coronavirus (Now with English subtitles and a Portuguese translation). The #EvalCorona Campaign is implemented by EvalYouthLAC and FOCELAC.

Fragility Forum 2020 - Virtual Series Closing Session

During the formal close this year’s Fragility Forum, panellists reflected on key takeaways relevant to future engagements in fragile contexts, the importance of sharing lessons learned to foster sustainable change, and the need for stronger partnerships across humanitarian, development and peace actors to respond to the impacts of COVID19, as well as increased support to low- and middle-income countries exposed to fragilities to boost resilience and to lead more potent and adapted strategies in preventing conflict and mitigating its impacts.

Evaluation Headlines, Episode 4

Evaluation HEAD-lines is an interview series produced by the Independent Evaluation Office at the Asian Development Bank where heads of independent evaluations explain how they are adapting their evaluations to remain relevant in times of COVID-19 crisis. In this edition of Evaluation HEAD-lines, Charles Collyns, Director of the Independent Evaluation Office at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Jose Efrain Deras, Chief of the Evaluation Office at Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) talk about some early evaluation lessons that countries and development institutions can adapt in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interview by IED's Saleha Waseem.

Using big data for evaluating development outcomes: lessons for evaluation during COVID

Significant data gaps remain in monitoring and evaluating development outcomes. Big data—that is digitally generated, passively produced and automatically collected—offer great potential for answering some of these data needs. The use of big data in evaluation has become ever more relevant after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, which has severely limited the researchers’ opportunity to collect data in the field with traditional methods. The authors present a systematic map highlighting how big data are being innovatively used in measuring and evaluating development outcomes. They also discuss the risks, biases and ethical challenges in using big data. The presentation offers an opportunity to discuss what tools and technologies are available to conduct evaluations in the time of COVID. See also the CEDIL page for more resources.

Evaluation Headlines, Episode 3

This episode of Evaluation HEAD-lines discusses how evaluators are building better evaluations by capitalizing on lessons learned from past crises. Different multilateral development banks work in different country contexts, have different challenges, thus different learnings. Saleha Waseem of Independent Evaluations at the Asian Development Bank speaks to Roland Michelitsch, Evaluator General at the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group and Anasse Aissami, Director, Operations Evaluation Department, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) to discuss how their experiences from the past are helping shape evaluations today and possibly preparing them for the future.

Evaluation Headlines, Episode 2

“This pandemic at the face of it is a health crisis but fundamentally it is an environmental crisis”, says Juha Uitto, Director, Independent Evaluation Office at Global Environment Facility (GEF). Listen to him and Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, Independent Office of Evaluation, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) discuss how their organizations are rethinking how to go about their evaluative work to address challenges that have affected their capacity to conduct evaluations. This discussion focuses on the challenges emanating from the current travel restrictions and subsequently the inability to collect empirical data. Interview hosted by IED's Saleha Waseem.

Evaluation HEAD-lines, Episode 1

This is the first episode of Evaluation HEAD-lines, an initiative led by IED and featuring the Heads of the ECG. The video series is focused on how the evaluation function is adapting to the current global crisis and how it will remain relevant. This episode, among other things, addresses the need to speed up our processes and act upon the lessons we learn from evaluation.

Guiding principles on evaluation during COVID-19 by UNFPA

To continue to ensure high-quality evaluative evidence and relevance of UNFPA evaluations at the time of COVID-19, UNFPA Evaluation Office has developed guiding principles for adapting evaluations during the pandemic.

These guiding principles recognize that local response and recovery to COVID-19 differs across the world, therefore these principles should be used as a framework by evaluation managers to adjust the conduct and management of evaluations as appropriate to their context. As the response and impact of COVID-19 unfold, this framework will continue to be updated based on real-time lessons from the field.

In practically applying these principles to evaluation, evaluation managers should adjust the evaluation scope, timeline and data collection methods; apply lessons learned in conducting and managing evaluation in humanitarian settings and leverage UN coordination through joint and system-wide evaluations, including focusing on strengthening national evaluation capacities. Further resources for evaluation managers on evaluation methods and approaches are available here.

A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma associated with COVID-19 - WHO

Social stigma in the context of health is the negative association between a person or group of people who share certain characteristics and a specific disease. In an outbreak, this may mean people are labelled, stereotyped, discriminated against, treated separately, and/or experience loss of status because of a perceived link with a disease. Such treatment can negatively affect those with the disease, as well as their caregivers, family, friends and communities. People who don’t have the disease but share other characteristics with this group may also suffer from stigma. The current COVID-19 outbreak has provoked social stigma and discriminatory behaviours against people of certain ethnic backgrounds as well as anyone perceived to have been in contact with the virus.

What matters in evaluation? - Interview with Donna Mertens

What matters in our work as evaluators, is to raise up issues in a way that sheds light on the change needed in programs and policies – by asking provocative questions. We have to be ethical and honest about the values underpinning a program or policy, and this is particularly true in cases of global crisis such as the COVID-19 one.