The European Forum for Primary Care was initiated in early 2005 by a group of interested parties from several countries. The aim of the Forum is to improve the health of the population by promoting strong Primary Care. This is done by advocating for Primary Care, by generating data and evidence on Primary Care and by exchanging information between its members.
Strong primary care (PC) produces better health outcomes against lower costs. That is the briefest summary of available scientific evidence. By promoting strong PC the population’s health can be improved. Strong PC does not emerge spontaneously. It requires appropriate conditions at the health care system level and in actual practice to make PC providers able and willing to take responsibility for the health of the population under their care. Everywhere in Europe the process of strengthening PC is ongoing. There is a strong need to collect and share information about what structures and strategies matter.
The majority of health complaints of the people are dealt with through self-care and primary care, delivered in the local community. Addressing the needs of individuals in the context of their families and communities is one of the key features of primary care. In-home care for the ageing population in intercultural care in underserved areas, primary care contributes to the development of social coherence. Therefore, family physicians operate in the framework of the local primary health care team, utilising a multidisciplinary approach. Patient-centred responsiveness, with special attention to the most vulnerable groups in society, is another key feature of primary care. It requires unrestricted access of patients to primary care services. A third key feature is the navigation function: related to the undifferentiated scala of complaints that are presented at the primary care level and to the fact that specialist care offers fragmented services, the primary care practitioners help patients to navigate through the health care system. In a number of European countries, the gatekeeping role of general practitioners makes them responsible for adequate referral and guidance of patients, under the right and safe conditions.
There is ample evidence to support the claim that Primary Care offers better care and health outcomes for lower costs.