In the second part of our series on Universal Health Coverage, we look at how the EU is supporting partner countries achieve UHC, through mechanisms like the IHP for UHC 2030, the UHC Partnership, and the SPHIP programme.
Under Agenda 2030, the European Commission has committed itself to helping partner countries achieve UHC. In the first part of our series on Universal Health Coverage, Capacity4dev speaks to Dr Joseph Kutzin of WHO and Matthias...
The group has been created to share contents related to the Second National Forum on Maternal and Child Health that took place in Bissau on 24 and 25 March 2021.
Cette conférence présentera les constats clés, conclusions et recommandations de l’évaluation des interventions dans le secteur de la Santé (SANTE III & RELSUDE) financées par le Fonds Bêkou en appui à la République Centrafricaine...
L'objectif général de cette action solidaire européenne est celui d’appuyer la réponse nationale pour mitiger l'impact de la pandémie COVID-19 en Algérie. L'objectif spécifique est de renforcer les capacités du système de santé
The Support to Public Health Institutes Programme (SPHIP) started on 1 January 2015 and was supposed to last for five years until 31 December 2019. However, most projects approved under the SPHIP programme started later, and six...
Citizen’s research into adherence to tobacco regulations in Uganda Moses Kirigwajjo Nsaire from the Uganda National Health Consumers Organisation presented a research carried out by members of the organisation into adherence to...