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Public financial management (PFM) in a fragile context: the case of South Sudan

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EU-TAPP lessons learned

In December 2015 the EU-TAPP project organised a National lessons Learned Workshop for stakeholders in the field of Payroll and PFM. The workshop was very well attended with a large number of representatives from other projects as well as the government. During the Workshop the EU-TAPP team presented the lessons learned from 12 months of providing capacity building support at the state and county level. Special attention

Sharing documents during the lessons learned workshop
Sharing documents during the lessons learned workshop

was given to inform participants on the innovations and tools EU-TAPP developed over the course of the year.

During the Extension and Bridging phase of the project these EU-TAPP lessons were further consolidated and documented in a stand-alone brochure on lessons-learned. In addition the project produced 4 case studies on the EU-TAPP approach and experiences.  The following Case studies were developed with support from Ecorys Communication support Consultant Suzanne Tossings:

1. Feedback on sub-national financial reporting: CTMC feedback mechanism

2. Use of a Grant Tracking Tool to support Service Delivery in South Sudan

3. Use of a Standardized Approach and Tool in subnational Capacity Building

4. Creating reform readiness in South Sudan: Separating State and Country payrolls

The publications were finalised prior to the “high level” close out workshop in Juba and printed for further distribution but due to the outbreak of violence on July 7th this has not (yet) been done. As we believe the publications provide a good insight of the work we have been doing and the results we have achieved we hope that they will contribute to the continuation of PFM reform and capacity building in South Sudan.