Results and Indicators
Result | Indicator(s) |
Impact: Women in all their diversity influence decision-making processes on environmental conservation and climate change policies and actions |
% of women in managerial positions in all sectoral, climate, environment and civil protection related ministries or institutions, electricity authorities, energy boards, regulating authorities, utilities, renewable energy agencies, etc.
Data Source:
Progress reports for the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
% of women entrepreneurs in the green economy or circular economy
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Outcome Specific Objective 1 Increased participation of women and girls in all their diversity in decision-making processes on environment and climate change issues |
Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, activists and environmental rights defenders acting as agents of change on fighting climate change and pursuing environmental justice, at local, national and regional level, disaggregated at least by sex (KEY INDICATOR) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Intervention’s monitoring and reporting systems, e.g., inception, interim and final reports from implementing organisations (including governments, international organisations, national and international civil society organisations, etc.), ROM reviews and evaluations. Surveys/interviews conducted and budgeted by the intervention can also be relevant data sources. Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted within the EU intervention using the same data collection methodology. The baseline and endline studies can be conducted as part of the gender country profile and/ or gender sector analysis, or be based on existing official reports and published data.
Additional Information:
Disaggregation: sex Special attention should be paid to women, men, girls and boys activists and environmental rights defenders reached by EU-funded intervention, to see whether they act as agents of change or not. To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green trans method notes |
Extent to which women, men, girls and boys and their civil society organisations and activists are able to influence strategies on climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity, on local, national and regional levels, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
International Criminal Court website,
Additional Information:
Special attention should be paid to women, men, girls and boys and their civil society organisations and activists reached by EU-funded interventions, to see if they are able to influence strategies on climate mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity or not.
Proportion of women in national parliamentary committees dealing with climate action and environment justice (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Records of the global initiative selected for monitoring
Additional Information:
Periodic studies should be conducted using the same methodology
Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participating equally in public planning and consultation meetings on local and national levels, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Public documentation
Open Government Partnership
Additional Information:
Disaggregation: by sex
Periodic studies should be conducted using the same methodology
Number of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participating in events on climate action and environment justice, disaggregated at least by sex and possibly disaggregated by role: participant or speaker (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Disaggregation: by sex, by role (participant, speaker)
Establish a list of relevant events in the country
Periodic studies should be conducted using the same methodology
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Outcome ... |
Number of proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies (including nationally determined contributions), and environment protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies) that include gender equality objectives, in line with the United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCC) gender action plan (Key indicator) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Period study conducted and budgeted by the intervention, at least baseline and endline
Additional Information:
Special attention should be paid to any actions promoted by the EU, to see whether they contributed to the desired inclusion of gender equality objectives in proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies (including nationally determined contributions), and environment protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies). Periodic studies should be conducted using the same methodology. To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green trans method notes |
Extent to which proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, and environmental protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies) are based on a gender analysis of risk, need, demand, barriers, and supply (Key indicator) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Study conducted and budgeted by the intervention, at least baseline and endline
Additional Information:
Special attention should be paid to any actions promoted by the EU, to see whether they contributed to the desired consideration of a gender analysis in proposed for adoption climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, and environmental protection strategies and plans (including energy policies/ strategies). Periodic studies should be conducted using the same methodology To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green trans method notes |
Extent to which climate and environmental policies, strategies, plans are based on risk and vulnerability assessments, and on gender and conflict analysis of the different impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on women and men (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants
Additional Information:
Existence of national targets on access to clean cooking solutions as part of the energy policy framework (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Extent to which declarations and policy documents on climate change and environment at multilateral level contain specific actions to include women in the decision-making processes (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Public sector reports - National statistical report
International organisation data portals and reports - International statistics
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems - Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention
Additional Information:
Number of sectoral gender action plans drafted and implemented by the relevant ministries in partner country (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems - Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention, ROM reviews, EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports
Additional Information:
Availability of quality data in the environmental protection sector, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Database of beneficiaries/participants
Additional Information:
Availability of a monitoring, reporting and verification system, which includes an obligation to report on gender (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention, database of beneficiaries
Additional Information:
Number of gender audits carried out in relevant ministries in partner country (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention, database of beneficiaries
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Outcome Specific Objective 3 Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, addressing climate change in their daily lives and preserving the natural environment are supported |
Number of changes in legislation or new laws or amendments adopted in partner country to enshrine the equal access to property, including land, credit and inheritance rights of women and girls (Key indicator) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
The intervention’s monitoring and reporting systems, e.g., inception, interim and final reports from implementing organisations (including governments, international organisations, national and international civil society organisations, etc.), ROM reviews and evaluations.
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green trans method notes |
Extent to which women and girls exercise choice and control over opportunities and resources in disaster risk reduction, recovery and reconstruction contexts (Key indicator) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
The intervention’s monitoring and reporting systems, e.g., inception, interim and final reports from implementing organisations (including governments, international organisations, national and international civil society organisations, etc.), ROM reviews and evaluations.
Additional Information:
This indicator intends to measure if and to what extend women and girls are able to participate in opportunities and have control over resources in disaster risk reduction, recovery and reconstruction contexts. To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green transition method notes |
Number of women with increased training, financial resources, technology or other resources for sustainable and safe food production, sustainable energy, sustainable transport, and clean water sources, for family consumption or for productive uses (Key indicator) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
The intervention’s monitoring and reporting systems, e.g., inception, interim and final reports from implementing organisations (including government, international organisations, national and international civil society organisations, etc.), ROM reviews and evaluations.
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on Green trans method notes |
Extent to which inclusive disaster risk reduction policies are being implemented by partner government (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, WHO, UNODC
Additional Information:
Extent to which women’s equal rights to landownership and inheritance are respected in practice (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA, WHO, UNODC
Additional Information:
Number of women, men, girls and boys equally provided with access to sustainable energy services, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Additional Information:
% of women-led households with access to clean cooking facilities (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators DatabaseÂ
Custodian(s): United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Additional Information:
Number of environmental human rights activists who can work freely, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the intervention
Additional Information:
SDG 7.1.2 Proportion of population with primary reliance on sustainable or clean fuels and technology – disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports, feasibility or appraisal reports, baseline and endline surveys)
Additional Information:
Please check data availability for your country of interest.
For more information on the methodology, check the SDG Indicators Metadata repository here.
Number of women and girls reached by programmes aimed at strengthening individual resilience and safety in the face of disasters (swimming lessons, emergency drills and exercises) (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Annual surveys including baseline and endline, government reports
Additional Information:
This indicator is an output indicator but has been included in GAP III for being particularly relevant for some European Commission Services, such as ECHO.