Results and Indicators
Result | Indicator(s) |
Impact: Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, can equally participate in shaping the digital world of tomorrow |
Proportion of young people and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill (SDG 4.4.1)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the intervention
Additional Information:
Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, disaggregated at least by sex (SDG 5.b.1)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity participate equally in policy- and decision-making for the digital world, on local, national, regional and international levels, and are represented in these policies and decisions |
Number of women’s organisations and networks with increased capacity to participate in discussions on gender-responsive ICT policies and plans (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
Number of actions, taken by partner government, which contribute to the development of legal or regulatory frameworks governing online abuse, violence and bullying (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
% of women participating as high-level speakers in EU events/forums where ongoing and future policy and strategy related to the digital world are discussed (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Extent to which legal or regulatory framework in partner country enabling survivors of online violence and their family to seek legal and other support services are in place (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): FAO
Additional Information:
Number of declarations and policy documents at UN and ILO levels which include specific actions to address the digital gender gap (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Women, men, girls and boys in all their diversity have equal access to affordable and secure broadband, technology and digital tools |
Number of people with access to Internet with EU support (disaggregated by sex, geographic region, urban/rural, age group, and type of connection, i.e. mobile or fixed) (GERF 2.11) (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Extent to which time-bound targets to overcome gender and poverty divides in Internet use are in place in national ICT strategies or broadband plans (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of households with access to fixed broadband connectivity, disaggregated by sex of the head of household (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of people with access to mobile broadband connectivity disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the intervention
Additional Information:
% of women and men that have and use an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the intervention
Additional Information:
% of students using Internet and Educative Media at least once a week, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of government actions in partner country seeking to improve the collection, analysis and use of sex-disaggregated ICT data (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Women, men, girls and boys are equally provided with and using equally public digital literacy |
Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace-based vocational education and training/skills development interventions supported by the EU (GERF 2.14) (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports, feasibility or appraisal reports, baseline and endline surveys)
Additional Information:
Extent to which partner government ministry of education acts to challenge and address discriminatory gender stereotypes in digital education and training (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Government statistics to the extent available, Survey
Additional Information:
Number of measures taken by partner country government to improve the access of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, to basic digital education and training, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information: