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Results and Indicators for Development
Digital Transition

Results and Indicators

Result Indicators
To promote human development reconciling
economic prosperity and efficiency, peaceful
societies, social inclusion and environmental
SDG 9.4.1. CO2 emission per unit of value added (kg/$) (OPSYS core indicator)
(Kilogrammes of CO2 per constant 2010 United States dollars (kg/$))
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 9.4.1. Tier I. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per unit value added is an indicator computed as ratio between CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and the value added of associated economic activities. The indicator can be computed for the whole economy (total CO2 emissions/GDP) or for specific sectors, notably the manufacturing sector (CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries per manufacturing value added - MVA). CO2 emissions per unit of GDP are expressed in kilogrammes of CO2 per USD constant 2010 PPP GDP. CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries per unit of MVA are measured in kilogrammes of CO2 equivalent per unit of MVA in constant 2015 USD. Carbon emission per unit of value added is a universal indicator for measuring the impact of industrial production on environment. It captures the intensity of energy use, energy efficiency of production technology and most importantly use of fossil fuels. According to the UNIDO definition used for SDG indicator 9.4.1., carbon emission is estimated from the data on energy consumption. For more detail, please see :

SDG 8.2.1. Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 8.2.1 (Tier I, custodian agencies: ILO, World Bank, UNSD). Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person conveys the annual percentage change in real Gross Domestic Product per employed person. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

SDG 9.b.1. Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 9.b.1 (Tier I, custodian agency: UNIDO). The proportion of medium-high and high-tech industry (MHT) value added in total value added of manufacturing (MVA hereafter) is a ratio value between the value added of MHT industry and MVA. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

Employment rate, disaggregated by sex, rural/urban, age, disability status and displacement status
Data Source:

ILO STAT data portal,

Additional Information

The employment rate is the percentage of people in the labour force that are employed. Following the ILO definitions: the labour force is the sum of the number of persons employed and the number of persons unemployed. Employment comprises all persons of working age who during a specified brief period, such as one week or one day, were in the following categories: a) paid employment ; or b) self-employment. The unemployed comprise all persons of working age who were: a) without work during the reference period; b) currently available for work; and c) seeking work.

Country score according to the Gender Inequality Index (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Gender Inequality Index data portal (UNDP),

Additional Information

This index measures gender inequalities in three important aspects of human development—reproductive health, measured by maternal mortality ratio and adolescent birth rates; empowerment, measured by proportion of parliamentary seats occupied by females and proportion of adult females and males aged 25 years and older with at least some secondary education; and economic status, expressed as labour market participation and measured by labour force participation rate of female and male populations aged 15 years and older. The GII is built on the same framework as the IHDI—to better expose differences in the distribution of achievements between women and men. It measures the human development costs of gender inequality. Thus the higher the GII value the more disparities between females and males and the more loss to human development.

Country score according to the Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index data portal (UNDP),

Additional Information

The Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) combines a country’s average achievements in health, education and income with how those achievements are distributed among country’s population by “discounting” each dimension’s average value according to its level of inequality. Thus, the IHDI is distribution-sensitive average level of HD. Two countries with different distributions of achievements can have the same average HDI value. Under perfect equality the IHDI is equal to the HDI, but falls below the HDI when inequality rises.

Country score according to the Human Development Index (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:


Human Development Index data portal (UNDP),

Additional Information

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic (composite index) of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country scores higher HDI when the lifespan is higher, the education level is higher, and the GDP per capita is higher.

CO2 emissions
(metric tons per capita)
SDG 9.4.1. CO2 emission per unit of value added (MVA) (OPSYS core indicator)
(Kilogrammes of CO2 equivalent per unit of MVA in constant 2015 USD)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 9.4.1. Tier I. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per unit value added is an indicator computed as ratio between CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and the value added of associated economic activities. The indicator can be computed for the whole economy (total CO2 emissions/GDP) or for specific sectors, notably the manufacturing sector (CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries per manufacturing value added - MVA). CO2 emissions per unit of GDP are expressed in kilogrammes of CO2 per USD constant 2010 PPP GDP. CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries per unit of MVA are measured in kilogrammes of CO2 equivalent per unit of MVA in constant 2015 USD. Carbon emission per unit of value added is a universal indicator for measuring the impact of industrial production on environment. It captures the intensity of energy use, energy efficiency of production technology and most importantly use of fossil fuels. According to the UNIDO definition used for SDG indicator 9.4.1., carbon emission is estimated from the data on energy consumption. For more detail, please see :

SDG 8.1.1. Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 8.1.1 (Tier I, custodian agencies: World Bank, UNSD). Annual growth rate of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is calculated as the percentage change in the real GDP per capita between two consecutive years. Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area. The data for real GDP are measured in constant US dollars to facilitate the calculation of country growth rates and aggregation of the country data. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

SDG 9.5.1. Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 9.5.1 (Tier I, custodian agency: UNESCO-UIS). Research and development (R&D) expenditure as a proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the amount of R&D expenditure divided by the total output of the economy. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Improved efficiency, effectiveness and
governance of economic activities and
of public and private services
SDG 4.a.1. Schools offering basic services - Proportion of schools with access to the internet for pedagogical purposes (disaggregated by education level) (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, Baseline and endline surveys conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention.

Additional Information

SDG Indicator 4.a.1 (Tier II, custodian agency: UNESCO-UIS). This indicator focuses on one of the seven types of basic services offered by schools. Data for this indicator are not regularly produced - please check data availability for your country of interest before selecting this indicator (or plan and budget for primary data collection). For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

GERF 1.14/SDG 8.10.2 - Percentage of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, disaggregated by sex (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 8.10.2 (Tier I, custodian agency: World Bank). The percentage of adults (ages 15+) who report having an account (by themselves or together with someone else) at a bank or another type of financial institution or personally using a mobile money service in the past 12 months. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Better informed design and delivery of services
Extent to which regional/national policy documents or sector strategies are developed/improved by making use of machine-readable data
Data Source:

Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention

Additional Information

Baseline and endline studies are needed to record changes in the use of machine-readable data in development/improvement of the regional/national policy documents or sector strategies.

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Ensured net neutrality and full access to the open
Internet, promoting freedom of opinion and expression
and limiting surveillance of communications
Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database,

Additional Information

SDG indicator 16.10.2 (Tier II, Custodian agency: UNESCO-UIS) - Data not regularly produced by countries - please check data availability for your country of interest before using the indicator. The focus of this indicator is thus on the status of adoption and implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information. The definition relates directly to “public access to information”, which is wider than, but is also very much based upon, the established fundamental freedoms of expression and association. Conversely, these freedoms also both impact on the environment for public access to information. For more information on this SDG indicator, please see:

Freedom on the Net - Freedom House (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:
Additional Information

Freedom on the Net measures the subtle and not-so-subtle ways that governments and non-state actors around the world restrict our intrinsic rights online. Each country assessment includes a detailed narrative report and numerical score (0=Most Free, 100=Less Free), based on methodology developed in consultation with international experts. This methodology includes three categories: Obstacles to Access: details infrastructural and economic barriers to access, legal and ownership control over internet service providers , and independence of regulatory bodies; Limits on Content: analyses legal regulations on content, technical filtering and blocking of websites, self-censorship, the vibrancy/diversity of online news media, and the use of digital tools for civic mobilization; Violations of User Rights: tackles surveillance, privacy, and repercussions for online speech and activities, such as imprisonment, extra-legal harassment, or cyber attacks. Coverage: Freedom on the Net has expanded from covering 15 countries in the 2009 pilot edition to 65 in the latest report (please, check availability for your country of interest before using). Countries are selected on the basis of the size of their internet population, their regional or global relevance, as well as the unique quality of their restrictions or protections on the internet. The countries selected for the report covers 88 percent of the global internet population, ensuring the project analyses the vast majority of users.

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Improved access to public and private services
(transparency and inclusiveness)
Number of people with access to e-services established and/or improved with support of the EU-funded intervention
(Number of)
Data Source:

Reports from ministries, agencies and organizations implementing e-services

Additional Information

Please specify the nature/sector of e-services established/improved by the EU funded intervention.

EFSD digital 2.1. Number of people using e-governance systems and services established and/or improved through investment support, disaggregated by sex and age (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Beneficiary reports from ministries, agencies and organizations implementing e-governance systems

Additional Information

Outcome-level indicator for the EFSD Investment Window on Digital (2.1). This indicator measures the number of people benefitting from investment-supported digital services such as digitalising and interconnecting national registries, eID, eProcurement, eHealth, eEnergy, climate services, disaster risk management, forestry and land management, e-Justice, e-Company and other digitalised public services intended to increase the performance and the accountability of public services towards citizens and business. The exact beneficiaries will depend on the context of the project. For example, for a voter registration system support, this indicator could include the number of people registered through the biometric voter system set up with investment support. There is a specific EFSD indicator on financial services (indicator 3.5), so please monitor the number of people supported to access financial services via digital means under that indicator.

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Increased competitiveness of businesses
and job creation in the digital domain as well
as in other sectors profiting from digital input
Proportion of informal employment in non‑agriculture employment, disaggregated by sex
Data Source:

SDG indicator database

Additional Information

SDG indicator 8.3.1 (Tier II) - (Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available but data not regularly produced by countries). So check availability for your country of interest before using.Custodian agency(ies): ILO

Number of new jobs created in companies benefitting from digitalization support provided by the Action (or provided by digitalization companies/experts supported through this Action)
Data Source:

Expert analysis to be commissioned by the Action