Results and Indicators
Result | Indicator(s) |
Impact: Women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, participate equally in decision-making processes, in all spheres and at all ... |
SDG 5.5.1 Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments and (b) local governments
Data Source:
Annual studies conducted and budgeted by the intervention, minimum baseline and endline;
Government reports and databases
Additional Information:
SDG 5.5.2 Proportion of women in managerial positions (SDG 5.5.2)
Data Source:
Intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports, feasibility or appraisal reports, baseline and endline surveys)
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 1 Enabling conditions created for equal participation of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, in decision-making |
Number of specific actions taken by partner country government (such as quota systems or other similar measures) to address discriminatory practices and improve women’s representation in parliament and government institutions and decision-making positions, at regional, national and local level (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
SDG 5.c.1 Proportion of countries with systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Custodian(s): United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Global SDG Indicators Database SDG 5.6.1
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 2 Women and girls, in all their diversity, have improved access to justice to safeguard their civil and political rights |
Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex (SDG 5.1.1) (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Government reports; Study, at least baseline and endline
Additional Information:
Extent to which legislation is revised to remove gender-discriminatory clauses on family, divorce, custody of children, inheritance, employment, pay, social security, ownership of assets, land etc. (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Study conducted and budgeted by the intervention, at least baseline and endline
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 1 Enabling conditions created for equal participation of women, men, girls and boys, in all their diversity, in decision-making |
Extent to which female leaders influence policy and decision-making, including in conflict-affected contexts (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Additional Information:
Extent to which local and national media portray positive images of women and girls in political and public life (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Additional Information:
Number of reforms and specific measures taken by the national parliament and parliamentary committees to implement existing gender equality and women’s empowerment policy commitments on women’s participation in decision-making (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of reforms and specific measures taken by local authorities to implement existing policy commitments on women’s and girls’ participation in decision-making (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of reforms and specific measures taken by government monitoring bodies to monitor the implementation of existing policy commitments on women’s and girls’ participation in decision-making (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 2 Women and girls, in all their diversity, have improved access to justice to safeguard their civil and political rights |
% of the population who perceive the overall quality of justice dispensed as good or very good, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law (SDG 16.b.1) (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Number of consultations by partner government at national and local level with women’s rights organisations engaged in law reform advocacy (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): UNSD,UN Women
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 3 Women’s organisations, other CSOs and women human rights defenders working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights work more freely and are better protected by law |
Number of victims of human rights violations, disaggregated at least by sex, directly benefiting from assistance funded by the EU (GERF 2.30) (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): FAO
Additional Information:
Access methodological fiche hehe indicator is included in the Global Europe Results Framework | Capacity4dev ( (formerly EU results framework EU RF)Â
Number of women human rights defenders who have received EU Support (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
Number of laws and policies where recommendations made by women’s rights organisations have been taken on board by regional, national and local government bodies during the drafting or revision process, including in conflict-affected contexts (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): ILO
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on hereÂ
Extent to which women's rights organisations, feminist organisations and other CSOs , peacebuilders and women human rights defenders working for gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment and rights are able to work independently without fear of their safety and security (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): WHO
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on hereÂ
Extent to which human rights violations against women, men, girls and boys are reported in local and national media, disaggregated by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): WHO
Additional Information:
Extent to which reports in local and national media on human rights violations against women, men, girls and boys are free from social norms and gender-stereotypes (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): WHO
Additional Information:
Number of women’s rights organisations, peacebuilding organisations, feminist organisations, and women human rights defenders’ organisations who participated in consultations around new policies and draft legislation with the regional, national and local government/state actors (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): UNICEF
Additional Information:
Result | Indicator(s) |
Specific Objective - Outcome: Specific Objective 4 Equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviours promoting equal participation and leadership by women and men fostered at community and individual levels – through education, media, culture and sports |
Extent to which local and national media challenge discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes about women’s and girls’ participation and leadership (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): FAO
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on hereÂ
Extent to which women and girls are visible and portrayed as equal contributors to society in the media, literature, cultural and sports arenas (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
Global SDG Indicators Database
Custodian(s): ILO
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on hereÂ
Extent to which local and national leaders and influencers, including traditional, religious and community leaders, engage in initiatives to challenge and change social norms and discriminatory gender stereotypes (KEY INDICATOR)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
To check the methodological notes for this indicator please click on here
% of parents who believe it is acceptable to talk to their children about menstruation, disaggregated at least by sex (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Extent to which instances of gender-based discrimination are covered in local and in national media (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
EU intervention monitoring and reporting systems (Progress and final reports for the EU-funded intervention; EU-funded feasibility or appraisal reports ; Baseline and endline studies conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention )
Additional Information:
Existence of media observatory, whose remit includes monitoring and recording coverage of women’s and girls’ participation and leadership (Other non-key indicator)
Data Source:
Study conducted and budgeted by the intervention, at least baseline and endline
Additional Information: