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Results and Indicators for Development
Green Deal

Results and Indicators

Result Indicator(s)
To reduce malnutrition in all its forms, and in particular among children, adolescent girls and women of reproductive age
Prevalence of wasting among children under 5 years of age by sex (SDG indicator 2.2.2)
Data Source: (WHO-UNICEF-World Bank) SDG Reporting on indicator 2.2.2:
Additional Information: Wasting is defined as: weight for height
Result Indicator(s)
Specific Objective - Outcome:
Multisectoral national nutrition, policies and coordination frameworks and nutrition sensitive legislation, and implementation mechanisms are in place
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services by sex (SDG 6.1.1)
Data Source:
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Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water by sex (SDG 6.2.1)
Data Source:
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Result Indicator(s)
Increased awareness, knowledge and advocacy for nutrition across main stakeholders at subnational, national and global level, including decision-makers and civil society
Quality of institutional arrangements for nutrition governance including a multi-sector platform
Data Source: Project M&E system
Additional Information: Expert assessment will need to be made
Number of platform meetings
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Result Indicator(s)
Strengthened capacities of policy makers and partners for integrating more systematic multi-sectoral planning, strategies, policies, regulations and legal frameworks for nutrition and gender
Number of donors that report annually in the SUN Donor Network Resource Tracking methodology
Data Source: Monitored by DEVCO HQ (C1) SUN Donor Network Resource Tracking methodology Nutrition country fiche
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Result Indicator(s)
Increased awareness, knowledge and advocacy for nutrition across main stakeholders at subnational, national and global level, including decision-makers and civil society
Number of interventions from civil society actors presented during platform meetings
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Result Indicator(s)
Strengthened coordination mechanisms and platforms for nutrition, at national and subnational level, which include all relevant sectors and stakeholders
Number of events that have taken place/were attended by high-level politicians to facilitate the exchange of information and nutrition policy dialogue
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Result Indicator(s)
To reduce malnutrition in all its forms, and in particular among children, adolescent girls and women of reproductive age
GERF 1.25/ SDG 2.2.1/EURF 1.3 Prevalence of stunting (height for age
Data Source: (WHO-UNICEF-World Bank) SDG Reporting on indicator 2.2.1: UNICEF - MICS5
Additional Information: Stunting is defined as: height for age
Result Indicator(s)
Increased knowledge (e.g., through nutrition information systems), spaces and platforms to promote, better accountability and enhanced aid effectiveness for nutrition, in a participatory way
Number of people with access to all season roads with EU support
Data Source: Project M&E system
Additional Information: Disaggregated by sex where possible
Number of storage and associated distribution systems supported
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Km of (rural) roads constructed / rehabilitated / maintained
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Result Indicator(s)
Specific Objective - Outcome:
Multisectoral national nutrition, policies and coordination frameworks and nutrition sensitive legislation, and implementation mechanisms are in place
Percentage of population who practice open defecation
Data Source: Country-disaggregated WHO/UNICEF data on various sanitation indicators, including open defecation:
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Result Indicator(s)
Increased knowledge (e.g., through nutrition information systems), spaces and platforms to promote, better accountability and enhanced aid effectiveness for nutrition, in a participatory way
Number of people benefitting from improved storage/distribution facilities/systems by sex
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Hectares under new or improved/rehabilitated irrigation and drainage services
Data Source: Project M&E system
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Result Indicator(s)
Specific Objective - Outcome:
Improved health status, in particular for children, adolescent girls and women of reproductive age
Percentage of national budget allocated and/or spent on nutrition-specific or nutrition-sensitive actions
Data Source: National budget information
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