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Social Protection

Results and Indicators for Development

Results and Indicators

Result Indicators
Specific Objective - Outcome
Nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures implemented for all
SDG 1.3.1. Coverage by social protection floors/systems - Proportion of population covered by at least one social protection benefit (using ILO methodology)
Data Source:

Database of training participants, pre- and post-training tests

Additional Information

This aggregate indicator reflects the percentage of the population covered by social protection floors/systems disaggregated by sex, and distinguishing children, unemployed, old age, people with disabilities, pregnant women/new-borns, work injury victims, poor and vulnerable It also reflects the main components of social protection: child and maternity benefits, support for persons without a job, persons with disabilities, victims of work injuries and older persons. It is calculated as the proportion of the total population receiving cash benefits under at least one of the contingencies (contributory or non-contributory benefit) or actively contributing to at least one social security scheme. Calculations include separate indicators in order to distinguish effective coverage for children, unemployed persons, older persons and persons with disabilities, mothers with newborns, workers protected in case of work injury, and the poor and the vulnerable. For methodology (designed by ILO), see

Result Indicators
15. Public awareness raised about e-services relevant for social protection benefit application and delivery
Number of government initiatives funded by the EU to increase public awareness about the advantages and challenges related to the delivery and access to social protection via e-services
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the Social Security Inquiry (SSI)

Percentage of people from the social protection target groups aware of e-services relevant for benefit application and delivery, disaggregated by sex, age, income quantile, employment status, migration status and disability status (OPSYS core indicator)
Data Source:

Baseline and endline surveys to be conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention

Number of people reached through awareness raising campaigns, implemented with support of the EU-funded intervention, about e-services for social protection benefit application and delivery
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the Social Security Inquiry (SSI)

Result Indicators
14. Strengthened advocacy to eliminate barriers for access to rights and services
Extent to which the EU-funded intervention contributed to extend/maintain the inclusivity of national social protection strategy and delivery mechanisms (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Number of government officials and civil society participants trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their understanding of multiple barriers to accessing social protection services, disaggregated by sex and sector.
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the Social Security Inquiry (SSI)

Result Indicators
13. Increased opportunities for dialogue between civil society and social partners with the government on the
design and performance of social protection systems
Extent to which the EU-funded intervention supported the development of civil society inputs to revisions to social protection design and implementation (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Number of agencies/parties participating in multi-stakeholder meetings/conferences/forums organised by the EU-funded intervention on the design and performance of social protection systems, disaggregated by sector (public; social partners, civil society and private sector)
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the Social Security Inquiry (SSI)

Result Indicators
12. Increased knowledge of effective strategies for integrating nutrition, climate change, urban settings,
Number of policy makers trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their knowledge and/or skills for integrating nutrition, climate change, urban settings, economic resilience, e-services, gender and pro-poor focus into social protection design and delivery based on local pilots
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the ASPIRE database

Extent to which the EU-funded intervention supported the piloting of different options to integrate nutrition, climate change, urban settings, economic resilience, e-services, gender and pro-poor focus into social protection design and delivery in the local context (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Result Indicators
11. Strengthened government and civil society capacities for using social protection to promote a greener
economy and society and address climate change
Extent to which the EU-funded intervention supported the integration of national climate change objectives in the national Social Protection policy (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Number of civil society organisations participating in the formulation of social protection programmes covering climate-related risk and supporting a greener economy with support from the EU-funded intervention
Data Source:

Baseline and endline studies to be conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention

Number of people benefitting from EU-funded social protection programmes that mitigate risks related to climate change and support a greener economy, disaggregated by sex, age
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database

Number of participants trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their knowledge of social protection programmes linked to green economy and climate change, disaggregated by sex and age
Data Source:

Global SDG Indicators Database, The main data source is the ASPIRE database

Result Indicators
10. Strengthened policy markers’ capacities for inclusion of people in urban settings and in the informal
economy in the social protection policies and delivery
Extent to which the EU-funded intervention contributed to the development/revision of social protection policy and implementation practices to ensure the inclusion of urban populations (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Extent to which the EU-funded intervention contributed to the development/revision of social protection policy and implementation practices to ensure the inclusion of workers in informal employment (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports

Number of policy makers trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their knowledge of approaches for including urban populations in social protection policies and implementation practices, disaggregated by sex
Data Source:
Number of policy makers trained by the EU-funded intervention who increased their knowledge of approaches for including informal workers in social protection policies and implementation practices, disaggregated by sex
Data Source:

ILO, World Social Protection Data Dashboards, Baseline and endline studies to be conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention.

Result Indicators
9. Strengthened policy markers’ capacities for inclusion of migrants, refugees and internally displaced people
in the social protection policies and delivery
Extent to which EU-funded pilots promote the integration of/parallel support for migrants, refugees and the internally displaced into the social protection system
Data Source:

Baseline and endline surveys to be conducted and budgeted by the EU-funded intervention

Extent to which the EU-funded intervention supported the integration of migrants, refugees and the internally displaced into social protection policy (OPSYS core indicator)
(Extent to which)
Data Source:

Progress reports