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Results (272)

Serie Global Gateway: La ética es la nueva moda en la industria textil

Voices & Views

Los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fomentando las relaciones entre Europa y sus socios a escala mundial y ayudando en el desarrollo de soluciones éticas para la industria textil. Como paladín de la innovación...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy

Global Gateway Series : L'éthique fait fureur dans l'industrie textile

Voices & Views

Les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev encouragent les relations entre l'Europe et ses partenaires à l'échelle mondiale et contribuent à l'élaboration de solutions éthiques pour l'industrie textile. En tant que champion de l...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy

Global Gateway Series: Ethics is The New Black in the Textile Industry

Voices & Views

Members of the Capacity4dev community are fostering relationships between Europe and its partners on a global scale and assisting in the development of ethical solutions for the textile industry. As a champion of innovation...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy