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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Who? What? Why? How?

Child rights violations are often related to the unfulfilled obligation of a duty bearer to do something or to prevent something from happening. Child rights mainstreaming through CRBA entails identifying the causes and capacity gaps that prevent duty bearers from meeting their obligations for children.

The key questions to address are:

Who are the duty bearers, at every level, responsible for upholding a specific child right?

What are the respective roles and responsibilities of each duty bearer for upholding this right?

Why are specific duty bearers unable to uphold their duties (what are the gaps in the capacity of key duty bearers which prevent them from upholding this right - these are most often gaps in motivation, knowledge, skills, resources and authority)?

How can the capacity of key duty bearers be strengthened to meet their duties and responsibilities for all children, but particularly for the most marginalised?
