Zanzibar is an archipelago off the coast of Tanzania with an estimated population of 1.3 million from 2012 population and census of Tanzania. It is a semi-autonomous state within the United Republic of Tanzania that elects its own...

Zanzibar is an archipelago off the coast of Tanzania with an estimated population of 1.3 million from 2012 population and census of Tanzania. It is a semi-autonomous state within the United Republic of Tanzania that elects its own...
Religious and faith-based actors have played wide-ranging roles during periods of conflict or authoritarian rule, from peacemakers to tacit support of discriminatory or oppressive policies, to direct or indirect instigators of...
A book to narrate the collective experience of peace education carried out by Helpcode in Gorongosa together with a group of 28 primary and secondary school teachers and the Monte Sole Peace School within the framework of the...
Joint EEAS – INTPA 2020 Guidance Note on EU Conflict Analysis. The note reflects a shared commitment by the EEAS and DG INTPA to conflict analysis as a key instrument to ensure effective conflict prevention and conflict-sensitive...
Réponses aux questions dans le cadre de l'AMI Jeunesse (Programme Réconciliation II)
Participant training and education commences with the completion of the pre-requisite CSDP Orientation Course. AMT follows in the form of two modules: EU Integrated Approach (AMT 1) and CSDP Crisis Management (AMT 2). The latter...
Libya International Peace Forum: Supporting the Role of Municipalities, Civil Society & Citizens in Peacebuilding at the Local Level Dates: 6 – 7 September 2017 Tunis, Tunisia The Libya International Peace Forum: Supporting the...
This Discussion Paper focuses on interventions in the areas of diplomacy, mediation and Peace Support Operations (PSOs) under the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA). The research has brought to surface a number of...