Project photos

Project photos
More than 1,100 articles reproduced ! Africa: AfDB Approves $20 million Investment in Metier Fund to Support RE in SSA - 9/01/2020 Ghana: BPA allocates GHC3 million to train project affected persons - 9...
More than 1,000 articles reproduced ! Mozambique: Neoen reaches financial closure for Metoro power plant - 30/12/2019 Togo: BOAD finances Blitta’s solar power plant with €10.7 million - 30/12...
More than 800 articles reproduced ! List of articles posted in 1 - 15 October 2019 Burkina Faso : Bobo Dioulasso abritera en 2020 une centrale solaire de 30 MW construite par Africa Ren - 7...
More than 800 articles reproduced ! List of articles posted in September 2019 Kenya : la phase 4 du Last Mile Connectivity Program, lancée pour raccorder 280 000 ménages supplémentaires au réseau - 9/09/2019 Ghana: Government to...
Recently, on the sideline of the Third International Finance for Development Conference, The European Union and the United States’ Power Africa Initiative pledged to increase access to electricity in sub-Saharan African countries...
The latest TRANSrisk newsletter features TRANSrisk Upcoming Events, Video, and articles regarding identifying innovation policy options in transition pathways.
The TRANSrisk poster on Methodological Integration features the TRANSrisk case studies, methodological framework, and expected impacts and outcomes. *The poster was developed to be used at the decarbonisation projects workshop on...
Check our latest leaflet presenting #StakeholderEngagement within the TRANSrisk #casestudies and how #stakeholders could get involved! #solar #wind #nuclear #geothermal #biogas #oilandgas #energy #renewables #hydropower...
The latest TRANSrisk newsletter features outcomes from the organised TRANSrisk side events in COP23, the latest TRANSrisk Publication, and a survey on low-emission pathway preferences of stakeholders.