Document présentant le système de conseil agricole en Algérie et le déploiement du dispositif d'appui conseil dans le cadre des activités du PASA Pôle Soummam.
Soils: Where Food Begins -- Celebrating World Soil Day 2022 土壤,食物之源 -- 庆祝2022年世界土壤日 (World Soil Day Sessions 2022-23)(世界土壤日研讨会 2022-23) The World Soil Day (5th December) is promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
QRM13, is the meeting to be held post Covid-19 pandemic in South Sudan. The theme for this QRM is Building Food Systems Resilience in the Face of increasing Shocks and Stresses in South Sudan-Lessons and Opportunities. The...
Obtenir des amandes de qualité est essentiel pour la qualité des produits dérivés (beurre, savon, etc.) qui en seront issus. A cet effet, il est important d’appliquer des bonnes pratiques de collecte et de traitement des noix et...
The purpose of the project is to improve the food security and disaster resilience of vulnerable population groups in the conflict affected counties of Malakal, Fashoda and Manyo, in the Upper Nile State. The purpose of the...
A regular monitoring report by TA on a project implemented by FAO titled" Enhanced Knowledge and Education for Resilient Pastoral Livelihoods in South Sudan" implemented in Counties of Wulu, Rumbek Central, Yirol East, Yirol West...
The Technical Assitance regular Monitoring report on a ProAct project implemented by Cordaid titled "Enhancing the Food Security and Disaster Resilience of vulnerable communities in Upper Nile State, South Sudan"
The training addresses the need of advisers and experts involved in rural development and natural resource management with the intention to better understand agro-pastoral livelihood systems as an integral part of a holistic...
FAO-COOPI-OCHA-UNHABITAT/SAIO/2014. This booklet provides an overview of the FFS approach and considerations for FFS implementation, and relates FFS experiences in Africa and the southern Africa region. Farmer field schools (FFS)...