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Women collecting wood Uganda

Women’s empowerment through wetland management in Uganda

Voices & Views

The health of Uganda’s wetlands impacts everything from the livelihoods of surrounding communities to rates of gender-based violence. The proper management of this unique ecosystem can help address root causes of conflict while...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Agricultural policy and statistics
Family and smallholder farming
Farmers organisations
Food crop production
Irrigation & agro hydro infrastructures
Land governance and management
Rural development
Subsistance farming
Sustainable Land management
Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Bio-diversity policies
Ecosystem services
Hunting and poaching
Natural resource management
Sustainable Land management
Water resources conservation
Women's empowerment

Impact investment in sustainable agriculture


The seventh episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!

Agriculture & Rural Development
Agricultural services and inputs
Food crop production
Sustainable Land management
Rural development
Producción de arroz sostenible en Java Central y Oriental: proyecto Arroz Bajo en Carbono

Producción de arroz sostenible en Java Central y Oriental: proyecto Arroz Bajo en Carbono

Voices & Views

Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, Capacidad4dev se asocia con el Programa SWITCH-Asia y la Delegación de la Unión Europea en Indonesia y Brunei Darussalam. Descubra las ideas de los expertos y tres consejos.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Agricultural policy and statistics
Food crop production
Climate change & disaster risks
Climate Change
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs
Production de riz durable dans le centre et l'est de Java : le projet Low Carbon Rice

Production de riz durable dans le centre et l'est de Java : le projet Low Carbon Rice

Voices & Views

A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l'Alimentation, Capacité4dev s'associe au Programme SWITCH-Asia et à la Délégation de l'Union Européenne en Indonésie et Brunei Darussalam. Découvrez les avis d’experts et trois conseils.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Food crop production
Agriculture value chains and commodities
Agricultural policy and statistics
Climate change & disaster risks
Climate Change
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs
Sustainable rice production in Central and East Java: the Low Carbon Rice project

Sustainable rice production in Central and East Java: the Low Carbon Rice project

Voices & Views

On the occasion of the World Food Day, Capacity4dev partners with the SWITCH-Asia Programme and the Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam. Discover the insights of experts and three tips.

Agriculture & Rural Development
Food crop production
Agricultural policy and statistics
Climate Change
Climate change & disaster risks
Employment & VET
Decent work
Environment & green economy
Green jobs