On the 4 th of October 2024, TED’s WG2 hosted a webinar on “ Strengthening Local Democratic Resilience,” bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders ranging from the European Commission and EU Delegations to Member States...
In this short segment Leonardo G. Romeo, Adjunct Professor of Planning at Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, at the New York University, explains the basic concepts of local planning. Decentralised development planning...
In the margins of the 8th edition of the Forum « Cities and Regions for International Partnerships », co-organized by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions, from 29th November to 1st December 2023, the...
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InfoPoint - Rue de la Loi 41, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Americas & the Caribbean
Political economy of decentralisation and local governance
La 4ème session de ce dispositif se déroulera à partir du 3 février 2020 (à noter les 3 parcours débutent à la même date – pour une durée de 5 semaines). Les inscriptions se font en ligne du 2 décembre 2019 au 24 janvier 2020...
The Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) facility’s latest report summarizes the activities and results from the first period of the programmes global expansion (2014-2018) in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Drawing on a range of...
Climate change & disaster risks
Climate adaptation
Climate Change
Climate finance
Public Sector Reform & Decentralisation
Decentralisation conflict and fragile states
Fiscal decentralisation
Local authorities and capacity building
Local governance
Political economy of decentralisation and local governance
UNCDF supports the Government of Tanzania, through the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), to promote climate change resilient communities and local economies and by establishing a standard...
Key stakeholder gathering to review the Report on Stocktake of Land Institution Reforms and to consider how best to approach further reforms given that almost all recent attempts at institutional reform, such as adoption of a...
- une première partie avec M. Ronald Décembre, Secrétaire d’Etat du ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, sur la vision du gouvernement central sur les enjeux de la fiscalié locale (complément à notre réunion de mars); - une...