The Global Gateway, the European Union's global connectivity strategy, recently celebrated its two-year milestone. Initiated to reorient EU international cooperation in response to partner needs and geopolitical shifts, the...

The Global Gateway, the European Union's global connectivity strategy, recently celebrated its two-year milestone. Initiated to reorient EU international cooperation in response to partner needs and geopolitical shifts, the...
UN Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes published the List of Participants of First Intersessional...
An important starting point for understanding Slovakia’s involvement in the Middle East is the perception of resolving the refugee crisis by political elites and the government in Slovakia. The Slovak Republic did not have a...
Volume 2, presents 18 briefs on policies with a demonstrated impact on inequalities
Volume 1 (concepts and definitions) : This volume presents the theoretical background to understanding inequality, including its trends.
Este trabajo constituye un apoyo al Programa de la Unión Europea EUROsociaAL+ y a su Área de Gobernanza Democrática mediante los servicios de consultoría en materia de ordenamiento territorial, gobernanza territorial y uso...