In 2017, several European Union Delegations were asked to operationalise the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus to better navigate fragility, address roots of conflicts and adopt a new development approach. Three years later...
Effective climate diplomacy requires action at all levels
Climate change affects everyone – from villagers in the most remote parts of the world, to metropolitan heads of government and private sector leaders. Amid a changing political landscape and an increase in climate impacts...
Views from the Field: Q&A with Thierry Cozier, EU Head of Cooperation in Sierra Leone
Over two years since the Ebola crisis, Sierra Leone has seen modest recovery while continuing to struggle with the legacy of its civil war. EU Head of Cooperation, Thierry Cozier, discusses the challenges of addressing food...
Views from the field: Q&A with Cécile Tassin-Pelzer, former EU Head of Cooperation in Mali
The EU Delegation has played a prominent role in Mali’s recovery as one of a group of international donors who together pledged €615 million to support the country. Cécile Tassin-Pelzer, who recently finished her posting to Mali...