This group promotes the sharing of social protection approaches, knowledge, lessons learned and best practice between the EU, development partners and social protection practitioners, and those simply wanting to learn more about social protection.
Welcome to these pages of the Evaluation Support Service to the DG INTPA (previously DG DEVCO) of the European Commission! We support EU Delegations and INTPA Units to get the most out of evaluations. On these pages you will find three initiatives that are open to the wider evaluation community: EvalCrisis – a rich collection of resources to guide evaluators and evaluation commissioners through the challenges of evaluation in times of global crisis Disseminating evaluations – guidance on the creative dissemination of evaluation results to help you communicate well and reach a wide audience Evaluation in hard-to-reach areas (HRA) – a collection of resources based on a series of conferences on data collection in areas where access is difficult The ESS support the Evaluation section of INTPA Unit D4 in the delivery of the following service components: a. Advisory service on all aspects of evaluation methodology and processes; these services are directed towards INTPA Headquarters' Units and EU Delegations. b. Specific evaluation-related services to the Monitoring and Evaluation Focal Points; c. Quality Assurance service; d. Service to promote knowledge uptake and innovative evaluation practice within DG INTPA.
El enfoque de sensibilidad al conflicto/ Acción sin Daño, también conocido como Enfoque Sensible a la Conflictividad, está constituido por diversas teorías, prácticas y herramientas; implica el conocimiento y la asunción de...
The ESDC Advanced Modular Training (AMT) aims to provide civilian and military senior officers with the right skills and knowledge in order to perform their duties in the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) area. AMT builds...
Organised by
The Hellenic Supreme Joint War College, the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, the Italian Centre for Higher Defence Studies, the Maynooth University of Ireland and the EU Military Staff
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Comprehensive approach
Conflict analysis
Conflict sensitivity
Peace and Security Goals
Post conflict
Humanitarian Aid
Peace and Security
Conflict prevention, Peace keeping & Peace building
Within the framework of the European Security and Defence College, the Department for Emergency Situation of the Romanian Ministry of Interior and the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute, in cooperation with the Romanian National...
Organised by
European Security and Defence College (ESDC), Department for Emergency Situation of the Romanian Ministry of Interior, Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute, Romanian National College of Home Affairs, Romanian Diplomatic Institute and CMDR COE Sofia
Ministry of Internal Affairs, Emergency Situations Department,1A Piaţa Revoluţiei Ministry of Internal Affairs, 1A Piaţa Revoluţiei, 010086 Bucharest, Romania
In this interview, we talk to Sigrid Kühlke of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), in Nairobi, Kenya. In our conversation, we discussed the social...
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Post conflict
Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian - development transition - LRRD
Relief co-ordination, protection and support services
The role of social protection in responding to emergencies has rapidly grown over the last few years, with increasingly innovative and adaptive responses to large-scale emergencies. At the same time, there has also been increased...