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How to get cities moving: Public transport challenges in developing countries

How to get cities moving: Public transport challenges in developing countries

Voices & Views

Public transportation systems could remedy many of the problems faced by major cities in developing countries. But is there a one-size-fits-all solution to implementing them?

Transport & Infrastructure
Urban Development
Sustainable cities
Urban mobility

Serie Global Gateway: La movilidad sostenible se vuelve rural

Voices & Views

En todo el mundo, los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fortaleciendo las conexiones entre Europa y los países socios, desarrollando soluciones eficaces para la movilidad universal. Como plataforma de promoción de la...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Land governance and management
Rural development
Sustainable Land management
Transport & Infrastructure
Urban Development
Urban mobility

Les Global Gateway : La mobilité verte en milieu rural

Voices & Views

Partout dans le monde, les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev renforcent les liens entre l'Europe et les pays partenaires, en développant des solutions efficaces pour la mobilité universelle. En tant que plateforme de promotion...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Land governance and management
Rural development
Sustainable Land management
Transport & Infrastructure
Urban Development
Urban mobility
V&V Green Mobility Goes Rural

Global Gateway Series: Green Mobility Goes Rural

Voices & Views

Discover the latest Capacity4Dev community innovations in transportation from the team that stands behind the Buffalo Bicycle, one of the fastest growing programmes showcased during the 2022 Global Gateway-themed European...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Land governance and management
Rural development
Sustainable Land management
Transport & Infrastructure
Urban Development
Urban mobility